Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Qui Lo Mean


Buona sera a tutti.

Quest'oggi, come appreso dal comunicato del Dott. Discepolo si è tenuta la prima riunione del Comitato di Sorveglianza.
In concomitanza come sapete c'è stato un Sit - in di alcuni dipendenti che si sono sentiti di manifestare il proprio dissenso per i motivi elencati nei comunicati precedenti.
C'é stato l'intervento come previsto di alcuni organi di stampa che hanno raccolto alcune testimonianze che verranno pubblicate nei prossimi giorni.

Per chiarire:

La speranza da parte di Filt Cgil è che gli avvenimenti ed i passaggi siano resi più chiari di quanto siano stati sinora.
Filt Cgil sta cercando collaborazione affinché vengano resolved known issues that affect employees who are not literally later today also found striking and unexplained discrepancies also in the figures for the fund route.
FILT CGIL's intentions are certainly not the only ones to ruin the project remained on track for the future of this company and its 650 employees including 498 in layoffs. The intention to Filt CGIL is to safeguard employees and to ensure first of all, and that steps have been and will be performed on a regular basis according to the rules and promises that you get to the most profitable solution for all and in shortest time possible.
therefore work together as done so far and we will work to ensure that these few, simple, fair principles are respected.

Here we attach the exchange of mail between CGIL and explanations on the calculations on INPS Varese CIGS

Hello dr. Ragusa,
I wanted to ask whether, after ns. meeting of February 9, was able to gather evidence and information useful to clarify the question of compensation of CIGS on Livingston.
As reported in that time, the question is of vital importance for workers waiting for it to complete the process on the planned integration of Flight Fund.
Awaiting your kind reply thank you for your willingness and cooperation and cordial greeting.

Antonio Ciraci
CGIL Secretary


I'm sorry, but at the moment I have yet more evidence was presented. My concern will contact you soon as I am aware of information relevant to the "cause." Sincerely

Always aim of clarifying those questions were asked in "National" a meeting with the INPS Rome Central - A request that you enclose.

continue to work on these fronts will not be made until total clarity.

we wait for further clarification


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1)La raccolta documenti per insinuazione al passivo per chi si vuole rivolgere a Filt Cgil è prevista per domani c/o gli Uffici di Case Nuove - via della chiesa - orari: 9.30-12.30 15.00-17.30

2) Una volta che l'azienda avrà spedito a tutti i vari prospetti creditizi tfr etc.. - Dovrete inoltrare a questa mail suddetto modulo specificando ovviamente nome e cognome e dati anagrafici:

3) Vi informiamo sin da ora che in futuro ci sarà un altro incontro per apporre delle firme a dei documenti che verranno prodotti in seguito.Sarà nostra care information in good time.

4) For those who for various personal reasons could not be here today and can not come tomorrow, please submit at the same address: @ daniela.campagna the mandate found in the Annex - completed in + part of the payroll that there have been wound up - from August to the entrance of layoffs and also in the mail detailing your personal data all, including date of birth and address if different from any residence and contacts: Number of Phone and Mail. - When the company will send the Prospectus credit / tfr you obviously you also send the same email address mentioned above usual .- For you will then set a meeting to affix signatures.

5) For those wishing to lead instead of individual documents to be produced later by the company or any document is missing: you can go to the offices of CGIL di Busto Arsizio, Via Caprera 1 - or: New homes - via the church


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