Monday, February 28, 2011

Serina Miss Hooters December


fonte :

President Bush has raised harsh criticism Thursday at the Senate on homeland security issues, but has revised his speech to say "there are senators that are good for both parties deeply about our country. " ( you first Bush administration, just think of the war )

And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father." (And not without reason )

As usual Bush disapproves of the Senate from doing the nail on the usual threat of terrorism (created by him)

Ma Bush torna giù dando spinta alla sua critica.

Ha detto che, nel considerare la sua proposta di creare un Dipartimento della Sicurezza ,
( quale sicurezza? una scusa per spostare in Iraq altre forze militari )
 il Senato vuole "microgestire il processo. Vogliono dirigere il ramo esecutivo ... cosa si puo noleggiare, chi può sparare, chi può trasferirsi lì.. .. io non ho intenzione di accettare questo ".

Come esempio, Bush ha detto che, a causa delle pressioni dei sindacati, la normativa in esame al Senato vieterebbe al governo in carica e di personale di sicurezza di indossare rivelatori di radiazione portatili. Egli ha anche detto in the Senate bill would require job assignments based on seniority, "without talent"

"The enemy ( but if you are the enemy dear Bush? ) does not care about these rules - the Senate does what wants, and bothers me, "Bush said .

He did not use the word" democratic "or noted that the Democrats control the Senate. And after listing his criticism, Bush said:
"Now do not get me wrong, there are good senators from both parties who care deeply that our country". But he also urged the Senate to "not allow the interest to drive details of the process. "

Bush praised lawmakers of both parties to collaborate with him on the understanding of that a congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq ." This is not a partisan issue, "Bush said.

He also said that if the United Nations fails to adopt a tough resolution , then" the United States will lead a coalition and engage with Iraq and force it to disarm outside of any new UN mandate. ( as always nNazioni together and look at those who want to kill America )

Bush was speaking at a Houston fundraiser for the Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Republican Phil Gramm.

Houston is the adopted hometown of president's father, former President Bush, in discussing the threat posed by Saddam, the current president offered his basic list of complaints to challenge the United Nations in Iraq and His assertion that Iraq is working aggressively in chemical and biological nuclear weapons programs. "This is a man who lies all the time," said Bush ( and let us say Bush is no joke to shoot big ).

He said that the 'hatred for the Iraqi leader has been largely directed by the United States and added: ". After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father" (ARE MANY REASONS TO BE want to do BUT THIS IS ALL FOR YOU)

In his September 12 speech to the UN in Iraq, Bush cited the plot to kill a former president of the United States, but said it was his father . The alleged assassination attempt took place when former President Bush visited Kuwait during the Clinton administration. The former president had orchestrated the US-led coalition that drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait in Persian Gulf War ....( maybe he forgot to mention this)



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