Good morning everyone.
report to those who were not already aware that SASN of Genoa, without his having been informed of the status of employees CIGS Livingston, does not render medical assistance when the staff concerned. We reported it in the company, we should ricevere notizie al riguardo quanto prima. - chiederemo delucidazioni nell'incontro di mercoledì.
Anche per quanto riguarda l'esenzione Ticket, rendiamo noto a tutti che abbiamo ricevuto diverse segnalazioni da colleghi che diverse strutture esigono il saldo delle prestazioni effettuate inizialmente previa "esenzione" di pagamento "causa" cigs.
Martedì scorso abbiamo avuto un incontro all'Enac e uno al ministero dello Sviluppo economico, dove abbiamo rappresentato la nostra volontà di ripartire in autonomia non essendosi concretizzate le manifestazioni di interesse". Così dichiara a questa agenzia di stampa Pellegrino D'Aquino, to Livingston, stating that "the claim was formalized and the Monitoring Committee met in the presence of Commissioner Daniel Disciple authorized the submission of a strategic plan." The hypothesis is that of a soft re-start already for the summer, "with a short-haul Airbus 320 and 330 for a long time. It would be a first step, while the real one would restart next winter." Now the management is finishing the business plan, which will be shown Wednesday in a meeting with the unions. "On the permissions, as regards the guarantee of the state and the green light from Brussels - D'Aquino says - it would wait for an average time of one to two months. After the delivery will be immediate. "With regard to the requested budget," will be a bit 'under € 10 million, "says the manager, adding that this support" has always included a limited period of time, that does not come a year " . It follows, therefore, the hypothesis that transfer has not been filed, but simply shifted over time: "Easier to sell the asset if it is business."
SR41: We remind all who have not yet done delivered as soon as the SR41.
Other issues already known will be discussed during Wednesday's meeting between trade unions and the Commissioner.
Buona Domenica.
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