Max B. , 36, graduated in Ancient History, Master Reiky3 liv., Expert Sciechimiche eScienza energy, Haarp, Conspiracies, Freemasonry, Spiritual Awakening, Divine Matrix and Biogentica.
Hello, I noticed your blog very well made, but scattered everywhere and all who speak the same issue that we are now experts, chemtrails,
- diversity 'from nosrmali contrails to chemtrails
- The chemical composition of the releases of chemicals
- the type of aircraft that are unmistakable
-why we are spraying continuously
- poisoning food, water, air,
minds - the deployment of NATO bases in each state and the U.S. military to set up their free Haarp and fly over our skies and
- The complete uselessness' of governments, all subdued and controlled by a single government Shadow the Illuminati.
- parties and governments offer a false choice, to make the illusion of being free.
- The need 'to act
- there is only fear, fear that defends them and helps them, are afraid to use our strengths together .
- They fear our awakening, that we become aware of the facts, this misinformation will find on the internet, detecting, tightened controls on the most 'famous Network facebook and My Space.
- The plan more 'bottom of the pyramid of power we, the hive, who works as good bees trained to maintain the power to destroy those around us: the base has done well to make the hive of evil.
- NLS symbol that distinguishes us you also put it on your miniatira on your photo, and we recognize
- One of our weapons and 'turn against their public information, and we're doing
1 - completing the collection of signatures against chemtrails the only valid legal in all other petitions are detecting, and fake to deceive us.
2 - the delivery of signatures will be 'filmed by TV free internet, and the tapes released not just anywhere on the internet, on local television, national, national radio, etc. etc. in their entirety with our requests, and their answers, everyone will know.
3 --- JOIN , websites, blogs, groups, people, activities, Spirituality, ALL TOGETHER IN THE LOGO OF NLS truth 'will make them' all free.
Facebook group:¬if_t=group_r2j
I would ask the participation in an event that affects all of us, you and who does not know any of this'. I present to you a moment so you know: are
Maximilian carpi degree in ancient history, geology and physics expert, HAARP, chemtrails, etc. ...
I am 36 years old and for some years, I have tried everything to inform and awaken people:
-themed groups, where each week we talked and mastering every topic
-Meditazioni di gruppo
-saputo che facebook e' iper controllato ho aperto un Network sicuro: iscrivetevi
-avevo attivato ben 9 gruppi su facebook tutti a tema da Haarp, al Governo,Disoccupazione,Scie chimiche ,Ambiente ecc
-Ho deciso di mantenere aperto solo 1 gruppo su face nonlosai, il network sicuro fuori per tutti , l'ho aperto sopratutto per stimolare l'unione dei vari gruppi e siti in un luogo solo e sicuro.
sono attivi vari siti, come il Progetto Fenix
sk=group_172114912819443 (una specie di ecovillaggio ma non lo e' e' molto di piu'),
L'unione del risveglio , la radio on line
dove tutti i giorni sono a disposizione,
un Social Network libero da controlli internet come lo e' facebook e con molte piu' possibilita' di facebook :
e alla fine sono arrivato a queste conclusioni :
1- le manifestazioni non servono a nessuno, we too must adapt, because their methods (and I speak of those who govern our government really do not front) have changed. The mass media are controlled and filtered, any action such as an event does not pass through the screens or newspapers and as' really happened but as he wishes, to believe the government so I'm totally wasted time.
2 they have a great fear, is very great, that people understand, that if you gather together all or most, and put into practice some of the articles of the constitution they would be much trouble.
no coincidence that it openly:
what they did to prevent this from happening? - Have instilled fear and division among people, afraid to come forward and put your name etc ... - Are incorporated as' massive and information sites that deceive the people to petition is as easy as drinking a glass of water, on the Internet by pressing a button, anonymously. NOT 'SO. and 'invention that the skit worthy of a great actor, Grillo has put in place with the final chapter, the delivery of its signatures is completely invalid, that even a notary at 1 month was accepted for studies as valid and he knew it but paid him, and then led to the end the skit. why? to disappoint the expectations of all, to believe that the individual citizen can not 'nothing against this system. Fear. Loneliness.
In this way we are not by themselves a problem.
----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Truth 'and' another, Article 71 and ' valid, and if someone spremesse their brains to understand, as I compiled the collection of signatures to the chemtrails, and done in that way' 100% legally valid. how?: I'll tell you 'even more',
1 - Every person is the same signature, document, date, and No document, and the witness who collects them already 'done this in the streets, in schools, at work, at work, on the street, has legal value, and once delivered can not help but take them for good with all the requests are listed above, together with the reasons, the annexes, and names of executives, there 's all about paper -signatures-sciechimiche
2 delivery: well as be part of those who looks like anyone can volunteer to participate in the delivery, it will be 'free internet tv 2 Movies, original movies and broadcast everywhere, even on TV, since I, links that will do it, so when they are delivered to various locations that are written on the paper signatures, the delivery will be 'filmed, and impossible to change the media, so the population is not only aware of the problem but also chemtrails the one that will 'defense Italian military council chambers, the Senate and the EU.
3 That 'what the average person usually does not pause even to read the label and now as "the usual collection of signatures," NO and' the only valid weapon in our possession and who does not believe it 's because as a result of misinformation made to doc, especially because they, who commands the very shadow government, it they fear, people are made to deceive and cheat this latest trick ... understand now the difference? If people knew ahead of us, who want only the global electronic currency (already has' a name and form) has a tremendous fear
that people become aware before the realization of their NWO, for this disturbs the natural frequencies terrestrial and human systems with HAARP.
hello I hope that you will be ours, I proposed that in the event on facebook: site advertisewithus or citizens who meet to be signed pdf:
and other sites that have joined:
nexus tomBosco, / light,
sciechimiche2, Events & ; catid = 93: news
and many blogs and news sites ....
scattered ovunque
ciao complimenti comunque sia per l'ottima fonte di informazione quale siete.... grazie
spero a presto
radio diretta dal lun al venerdi, registrazioni sempre disponibili :
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