Good afternoon everyone.
We are briefed at the time, in a sum and in the coming days we hope most dettagliatamante, unfortunately, is still open on the situation.
Regarding proofs of the debts - was sent from a credit institution the prospectus to each of us. This document is to be included in the list which documents must bring your day to meet with the lawyer. We will tell you now-and list the date and place documents to be submitted. - Remember that those who could not attend for exceptional circumstances then you can still bring the material within which we will communicate.
Situations CIGS / FULL FLIGHT / INPS / SPECIAL CASES: Last week we were in different locations INPS and we also mobilized at National-CGIL personally contacting the President of the Special Fund of the Air Transport: Paul Moreno. Following these comparisons, and other meetings che saranno programmati (speriamo prima possibile ) con Studio Martinoia e Inps di Varese saremo forse finalmente in grado di dare delle risposte Certe a tutti.
PIANO B GIA' PRONTO: ????????????????????????????????????????????
Abbiamo altre varie questioni aperte ancora, le consideriamo ancora tutte UNDER-WORK, e tali le stiamo affrontando e le affronteremo.
A breve, vi dettaglieremo tutto
A disposizione
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