Monday, February 28, 2011
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Il TG3 Leonardo del 28 febbraio 2011 ha dedicato un breve servizio alla lettera comune ed alla patologia "cisti di Tarlov"
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Here is the updated version of the joint letter today to the regions, with all diseases reported so far by the respective associations and groups.
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Here is the updated version of the joint letter today to the regions, with all diseases reported so far by the respective associations and groups.
Please check the list of diseases and Notify any possible inaccuracies or omissions. Thanks!
https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = & IE = true & srcid = chrome & hl = en 0B7cZRbvT0qvxY2UzMzUyZmItYjljNC00YjU4LTgwM2QtNDMzMTFkZjllZmFh
to all associations / groups who are collecting their signatures to the Letter to the regions, remember that there is time until tonight to do it.
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fonte :
President Bush has raised harsh criticism Thursday at the Senate on homeland security issues, but has revised his speech to say "there are senators that are good for both parties deeply about our country. " ( you first Bush administration, just think of the war )
And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father." (And not without reason )
As usual Bush disapproves of the Senate from doing the nail on the usual threat of terrorism (created by him)
Ma Bush torna giù dando spinta alla sua critica.
Ha detto che, nel considerare la sua proposta di creare un Dipartimento della Sicurezza ,
( quale sicurezza? una scusa per spostare in Iraq altre forze militari )
il Senato vuole "microgestire il processo. Vogliono dirigere il ramo esecutivo ... cosa si puo noleggiare, chi può sparare, chi può trasferirsi lì.. .. io non ho intenzione di accettare questo ".
Come esempio, Bush ha detto che, a causa delle pressioni dei sindacati, la normativa in esame al Senato vieterebbe al governo in carica e di personale di sicurezza di indossare rivelatori di radiazione portatili. Egli ha anche detto in the Senate bill would require job assignments based on seniority, "without talent"
"The enemy ( but if you are the enemy dear Bush? ) does not care about these rules - the Senate does what wants, and bothers me, "Bush said .
He did not use the word" democratic "or noted that the Democrats control the Senate. And after listing his criticism, Bush said:
"Now do not get me wrong, there are good senators from both parties who care deeply that our country". But he also urged the Senate to "not allow the interest to drive details of the process. "
Bush praised lawmakers of both parties to collaborate with him on the understanding of that a congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq ." This is not a partisan issue, "Bush said.
He also said that if the United Nations fails to adopt a tough resolution , then" the United States will lead a coalition and engage with Iraq and force it to disarm outside of any new UN mandate. ( as always nNazioni together and look at those who want to kill America )
Bush was speaking at a Houston fundraiser for the Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Republican Phil Gramm.
Houston is the adopted hometown of president's father, former President Bush, in discussing the threat posed by Saddam, the current president offered his basic list of complaints to challenge the United Nations in Iraq and His assertion that Iraq is working aggressively in chemical and biological nuclear weapons programs. "This is a man who lies all the time," said Bush ( and let us say Bush is no joke to shoot big ).
He said that the 'hatred for the Iraqi leader has been largely directed by the United States and added: ". After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father" (ARE MANY REASONS TO BE want to do BUT THIS IS ALL FOR YOU)
In his September 12 speech to the UN in Iraq, Bush cited the plot to kill a former president of the United States, but said it was his father . The alleged assassination attempt took place when former President Bush visited Kuwait during the Clinton administration. The former president had orchestrated the US-led coalition that drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait in Persian Gulf War ....( maybe he forgot to mention this)
fonte :
President Bush has raised harsh criticism Thursday at the Senate on homeland security issues, but has revised his speech to say "there are senators that are good for both parties deeply about our country. " ( you first Bush administration, just think of the war )
And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father." (And not without reason )
As usual Bush disapproves of the Senate from doing the nail on the usual threat of terrorism (created by him)
Ma Bush torna giù dando spinta alla sua critica.
Ha detto che, nel considerare la sua proposta di creare un Dipartimento della Sicurezza ,
( quale sicurezza? una scusa per spostare in Iraq altre forze militari )
il Senato vuole "microgestire il processo. Vogliono dirigere il ramo esecutivo ... cosa si puo noleggiare, chi può sparare, chi può trasferirsi lì.. .. io non ho intenzione di accettare questo ".
Come esempio, Bush ha detto che, a causa delle pressioni dei sindacati, la normativa in esame al Senato vieterebbe al governo in carica e di personale di sicurezza di indossare rivelatori di radiazione portatili. Egli ha anche detto in the Senate bill would require job assignments based on seniority, "without talent"
"The enemy ( but if you are the enemy dear Bush? ) does not care about these rules - the Senate does what wants, and bothers me, "Bush said .
He did not use the word" democratic "or noted that the Democrats control the Senate. And after listing his criticism, Bush said:
"Now do not get me wrong, there are good senators from both parties who care deeply that our country". But he also urged the Senate to "not allow the interest to drive details of the process. "
Bush praised lawmakers of both parties to collaborate with him on the understanding of that a congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq ." This is not a partisan issue, "Bush said.
He also said that if the United Nations fails to adopt a tough resolution , then" the United States will lead a coalition and engage with Iraq and force it to disarm outside of any new UN mandate. ( as always nNazioni together and look at those who want to kill America )
Bush was speaking at a Houston fundraiser for the Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Republican Phil Gramm.
Houston is the adopted hometown of president's father, former President Bush, in discussing the threat posed by Saddam, the current president offered his basic list of complaints to challenge the United Nations in Iraq and His assertion that Iraq is working aggressively in chemical and biological nuclear weapons programs. "This is a man who lies all the time," said Bush ( and let us say Bush is no joke to shoot big ).
He said that the 'hatred for the Iraqi leader has been largely directed by the United States and added: ". After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my father" (ARE MANY REASONS TO BE want to do BUT THIS IS ALL FOR YOU)
In his September 12 speech to the UN in Iraq, Bush cited the plot to kill a former president of the United States, but said it was his father . The alleged assassination attempt took place when former President Bush visited Kuwait during the Clinton administration. The former president had orchestrated the US-led coalition that drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait in Persian Gulf War ....( maybe he forgot to mention this)
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FIE to subscribe Dravet's Syndrome, along with other Associations of rare diseases, a letter to the Regions urging the recognition of rare diseases are currently not yet recognized by the National Health Service. To reinforce the request will be sent, together with the letter, the lists with the names (accompanied mail address or telephone number) of all persons who wish to support the cause.
All persons who wish to support the request for recognition of Dravet syndrome as a rare disease may send an email to .
Nella mail dovrà essere inserito come oggetto PER SINDROME DI DRAVET MALATTIA RARA e nel testo Chiedo di inserire il mio nominativo ed il mio indirizzo mail............../oppure numero di telefono ...................nella petizione alle Regioni per chiedere il riconoscimento e l’attribuzione di un Codice di Esenzione Regionale per le Malattie Rare non ancora inserite nell'Allegato 1 del DM 279/01, in modo uniforme su tutto il territorio nazionale.
FIE to subscribe Dravet's Syndrome, along with other Associations of rare diseases, a letter to the Regions urging the recognition of rare diseases are currently not yet recognized by the National Health Service. To reinforce the request will be sent, together with the letter, the lists with the names (accompanied mail address or telephone number) of all persons who wish to support the cause.
All persons who wish to support the request for recognition of Dravet syndrome as a rare disease may send an email to .
Nella mail dovrà essere inserito come oggetto PER SINDROME DI DRAVET MALATTIA RARA e nel testo Chiedo di inserire il mio nominativo ed il mio indirizzo mail............../oppure numero di telefono ...................nella petizione alle Regioni per chiedere il riconoscimento e l’attribuzione di un Codice di Esenzione Regionale per le Malattie Rare non ancora inserite nell'Allegato 1 del DM 279/01, in modo uniforme su tutto il territorio nazionale.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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the contents of this post are subject to copirygt each part shall not be collected except with the written permission of the blog
I would like to explain why some people add to their NLS image, does not imply appartenenzza groups or cla, absolutely not, and 'a way to stand out from myriad of people on the internet ..
OSCERCI, join forces .
the contents of this post are subject to copirygt each part shall not be collected except with the written permission of the blog
bottom right of the photo
I would like to explain why some people add to their NLS image, does not imply appartenenzza groups or cla, absolutely not, and 'a way to stand out from myriad of people on the internet ..
ANYONE HAVE FRIENDS OF ALL, THE NATURE OF THE ENVIRONMENT, THE , WAKE UP, THOSE WHO HELP OTHERS ARE PATIENTS, AND ARE INTENDED ONLY AS altruism TO THE NEXT AND ARE AWARE OF EVERYTHING 'IS HAPPENING SUCKS AND OF THE NWO, mind control, chemtrails, WAVES ISSUED BY HAARP, SHORT, HAVE ALL THIS INFORMATION THAT hard to find in TV, and I want in an appropriate manner, to help spread this knowledge. News Vere, (there are unfortunately many disinformatori, molti egocentrici e speculatori che specialmente su internet cercano di forviare le masse) SIAMO RISVEGLIATI ED OGNI COSA LA FACCIAMO NEL TENTATIVO DI AIUTARE NEL RISVEGLIO ANCHE TUTTI GLI ALTRI in maniera del tutto disinteressata, ogni nostra azione e' puro volontariato e il simbolo NLS racchiude tutto questo .
TUTTI QUELLI CHE VOGLIONO UNIRSI , NON SOLO QUANDO SAREMO DISTACCATI DA QUESTO COMPUTER BIOLOGICO CHE CI PORTIAMO CON NOI IN QUESTA VITA, IL NOSTRO CORPO, MA ANCHE ORA CON TUTTI GLI ALTRI , UNITI ASSIEME IN UN UNICA GRANDE FORZA ANTI DIVISIONE puo' farlo in qualsiasi momento, se sinceramente si sente and is reflected in those few words, just add the symbol that I prefer to define it as a medal deserved:
JOIN THE INSIGNIA OF A SMALL S and you can not add it to ask me, I will help 'to put it without problems! do so, hello to everyone.
Good morning everyone.
report to those who were not already aware that SASN of Genoa, without his having been informed of the status of employees CIGS Livingston, does not render medical assistance when the staff concerned. We reported it in the company, we should ricevere notizie al riguardo quanto prima. - chiederemo delucidazioni nell'incontro di mercoledì.
Anche per quanto riguarda l'esenzione Ticket, rendiamo noto a tutti che abbiamo ricevuto diverse segnalazioni da colleghi che diverse strutture esigono il saldo delle prestazioni effettuate inizialmente previa "esenzione" di pagamento "causa" cigs.
Martedì scorso abbiamo avuto un incontro all'Enac e uno al ministero dello Sviluppo economico, dove abbiamo rappresentato la nostra volontà di ripartire in autonomia non essendosi concretizzate le manifestazioni di interesse". Così dichiara a questa agenzia di stampa Pellegrino D'Aquino, to Livingston, stating that "the claim was formalized and the Monitoring Committee met in the presence of Commissioner Daniel Disciple authorized the submission of a strategic plan." The hypothesis is that of a soft re-start already for the summer, "with a short-haul Airbus 320 and 330 for a long time. It would be a first step, while the real one would restart next winter." Now the management is finishing the business plan, which will be shown Wednesday in a meeting with the unions. "On the permissions, as regards the guarantee of the state and the green light from Brussels - D'Aquino says - it would wait for an average time of one to two months. After the delivery will be immediate. "With regard to the requested budget," will be a bit 'under € 10 million, "says the manager, adding that this support" has always included a limited period of time, that does not come a year " . It follows, therefore, the hypothesis that transfer has not been filed, but simply shifted over time: "Easier to sell the asset if it is business."
SR41: We remind all who have not yet done delivered as soon as the SR41.
Other issues already known will be discussed during Wednesday's meeting between trade unions and the Commissioner.
Buona Domenica.
Good morning everyone.
report to those who were not already aware that SASN of Genoa, without his having been informed of the status of employees CIGS Livingston, does not render medical assistance when the staff concerned. We reported it in the company, we should ricevere notizie al riguardo quanto prima. - chiederemo delucidazioni nell'incontro di mercoledì.
Anche per quanto riguarda l'esenzione Ticket, rendiamo noto a tutti che abbiamo ricevuto diverse segnalazioni da colleghi che diverse strutture esigono il saldo delle prestazioni effettuate inizialmente previa "esenzione" di pagamento "causa" cigs.
Martedì scorso abbiamo avuto un incontro all'Enac e uno al ministero dello Sviluppo economico, dove abbiamo rappresentato la nostra volontà di ripartire in autonomia non essendosi concretizzate le manifestazioni di interesse". Così dichiara a questa agenzia di stampa Pellegrino D'Aquino, to Livingston, stating that "the claim was formalized and the Monitoring Committee met in the presence of Commissioner Daniel Disciple authorized the submission of a strategic plan." The hypothesis is that of a soft re-start already for the summer, "with a short-haul Airbus 320 and 330 for a long time. It would be a first step, while the real one would restart next winter." Now the management is finishing the business plan, which will be shown Wednesday in a meeting with the unions. "On the permissions, as regards the guarantee of the state and the green light from Brussels - D'Aquino says - it would wait for an average time of one to two months. After the delivery will be immediate. "With regard to the requested budget," will be a bit 'under € 10 million, "says the manager, adding that this support" has always included a limited period of time, that does not come a year " . It follows, therefore, the hypothesis that transfer has not been filed, but simply shifted over time: "Easier to sell the asset if it is business."
SR41: We remind all who have not yet done delivered as soon as the SR41.
Other issues already known will be discussed during Wednesday's meeting between trade unions and the Commissioner.
Buona Domenica.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Lettera alle regioni per il riconoscimento delle malattie rare non inserite nel DM 279/01 terms for membership
Lettera alle regioni per il riconoscimento delle malattie rare non inserite nel DM 279/01
Lettera alle regioni per il riconoscimento delle malattie rare non inserite nel DM 279/01
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Ipoh-Onlus http:/ / / Multimedia / Services / storie_testimonianza_persone_affette_malattie_rare.aspx / storie_testimonianza_persone_affette_malattie_rare.aspx
not Rights Gifts for Sick Rare
metropolis web | http:/ / / Multimedia / Services / storie_testimonianza_persone_affette_malattie_rare.aspx / storie_testimonianza_persone_affette_malattie_rare.aspx
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AISMAC AISMAC - Onlus - Italian Association, a non-profit, people with Chiari malformation 1 (AC1) and / or syringomyelia (SM) and related pathologies
greet all those who have joined the 'beginning of the letter to City Regioni, nata nel novembre 2010 da un gruppetto ristretto di persone , portatrici di patologie diverse. L' iniziativa sta ottenendo adesioni al di là di ogni nostra previsione, grazie al tam-tam della rete ed ad alcuni articoli su giornali.
Pertanto spediremo comunque la lettera entro il termine stabilito, che ha anche una valenza simbolica, coincidendo con la giornata internazionale malattie rare, ma l' iniziativa rimarrà aperta a quanti vorranno successivamente aderire ed alle patologie rare via via emergenti cui desideriamo indicare questa direzione se riterranno di percorrerla.
Così intendiamo procedere a successivi re-invii, man mano che si aggiungano nuove adesioni.
Per Tarlov-Italia, Elsa Aimone
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I a lot of mail sent to the associations if they ke interessanno, but are the buck as they say there are saying ke xprogetti retraining grants, big lie because the whole European Union has made funds xquesto its purpose, and 'a whole magna magna, with the money we build structures that will go to hell, incomplete, and left to rot ke put in your pocket billion € councilors, mayors and ki knows who else,
Hello, la Regione Emilia-Romagna al momento non ha bandi di finanziamento aperti del tipo richiesto, che di solito sono rivolti a enti pubblici locali.Cordiali saluti.
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AISEA part in the campaign initiatives for Rare Diseases are not recognized by the Italian State,
“Associazione Italiana per l’Eteroplasia Ossea Progressiva ONLUS”
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Rights Not Gifts for Sick Rare
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you loved a party to the letter to the regions promoted by the Group GIFTS FOR PATIENTS RIGHTS NOT RARE and many groups and associations of rare diseases
Subscribe to the petition to the regions for the recognition of rare diseases are still excluded from Annex 1 of Decree 279/01
February 28, 2011 As you know, our Association was among the promoters of the initiative "Rights, not rare gifts for the sick" for the recognition of rare diseases still excluded from 1 of the DM 279/01 (see ). Now
associations have decided to write a letter of petition to the regions to apply for an extension of the list of rare diseases excluded from 1 to 109. The letters will be sent to the governments and the Department of Health for all Italian regions, the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health - National Center for Rare Diseases, on 28 February, the fourth World Day of rare diseases.
Read the motives of the initiative
Read the full text of the letter of petition
If you share the initiative, we invite you to sign la petizione sull'apposito modulo on line , ricordando che la siringomielia è una delle 108 malattie escluse dall'esenzione.
Di seguito i link ad alcuni articoli usciti sulla stampa in merito all'iniziativa dell'invio delle lettere alle Regioni:
La Stampa, 21 febbraio 2011
Osservatorio Malattie rare, 22 febbraio 2011
Sanitànews, 22 febbraio 2011
Subscribe to the petition to the regions for the recognition of rare diseases are still excluded from Annex 1 of Decree 279/01
February 28, 2011 As you know, our Association was among the promoters of the initiative "Rights, not rare gifts for the sick" for the recognition of rare diseases still excluded from 1 of the DM 279/01 (see ). Now associations have decided to write a letter of petition to the regions to apply for an extension of the list of rare diseases excluded from 1 to 109. The letters will be sent to the governments and the Department of Health for all Italian regions, the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health - National Center for Rare Diseases, on 28 February, the fourth World Day of rare diseases.
Read the motives of the initiative
Read the full text of the letter of petition
If you share the initiative, we invite you to sign la petizione sull'apposito modulo on line , ricordando che la siringomielia è una delle 108 malattie escluse dall'esenzione.
Di seguito i link ad alcuni articoli usciti sulla stampa in merito all'iniziativa dell'invio delle lettere alle Regioni:
La Stampa, 21 febbraio 2011
Osservatorio Malattie rare, 22 febbraio 2011
Sanitànews, 22 febbraio 2011
AISMAC Onlus partecipa alla battaglia per le 109 a sostegno della siringomielia e delle altre 108 malattie rare non ancora riconosciute a livello nazionale
AISMAC Onlus partecipa alla battaglia per le 109 a sostegno della siringomielia e delle altre 108 malattie rare non ancora riconosciute a livello nazionale
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I heard only a few days that all associations for rare diseases, patients and supporters have joined together to send a joint letter to all regions
AISEA part in the campaign initiatives for Rare diseases are not recognized by the State Italian, still excluded from Annex 1 of the Ministerial Decree No. 279/01. Sign the LETTER TO REGIONS for the recognition of ' AHC and all rare diseases still without a code of rights and without exemption |
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'Italian Association of peripheral neuropathy (AINP) Support This important initiative: rights are not gifts for the sick
The letter, available at: the purpose of seeking recognition el ' allocation of a Regional Code of Exemption for Rare Diseases not yet included in Annex 1 of the DM 279/01,
On proseguento throughout the country is the collection of applications to the letter, either singly or in groups and associations who wish to support this initiative. has To join log on to link ,
indicando , , ; oppure nome +cognome del segnalante + mail +nome patologia.
Le firme raccolte e le malattie segnalate ,verranno accluse alla lettera comune ,spedita simultaneamente alle Regioni e al Ministero della Salute, all'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, alla Consulta Nazionale Malattie Rare, ad UNIAMO FIMR
On proseguento throughout the country is the collection of applications to the letter, either singly or in groups and associations who wish to support this initiative. has To join log on to link ,
indicando , , ; oppure nome +cognome del segnalante + mail +nome patologia.
Le firme raccolte e le malattie segnalate ,verranno accluse alla lettera comune ,spedita simultaneamente alle Regioni e al Ministero della Salute, all'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, alla Consulta Nazionale Malattie Rare, ad UNIAMO FIMR
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I noticed your blog very well made, but scattered everywhere and all who speak the same issue that we are now experts, chemtrails,
- diversity 'from nosrmali contrails to chemtrails
- The chemical composition of the releases of chemicals
- the type of aircraft that are unmistakable
-why we are spraying continuously
- poisoning food, water, air,
minds - the deployment of NATO bases in each state and the U.S. military to set up their free Haarp and fly over our skies and
- The complete uselessness' of governments, all subdued and controlled by a single government Shadow the Illuminati.
- parties and governments offer a false choice, to make the illusion of being free.
- The need 'to act
- there is only fear, fear that defends them and helps them, are afraid to use our strengths together .
- They fear our awakening, that we become aware of the facts, this misinformation will find on the internet, detecting, tightened controls on the most 'famous Network facebook and My Space.
- The plan more 'bottom of the pyramid of power we, the hive, who works as good bees trained to maintain the power to destroy those around us: the base has done well to make the hive of evil.
- NLS symbol that distinguishes us you also put it on your miniatira on your photo, and we recognize
- One of our weapons and 'turn against their public information, and we're doing
1 - completing the collection of signatures against chemtrails the only valid legal in all other petitions are detecting, and fake to deceive us.
2 - the delivery of signatures will be 'filmed by TV free internet, and the tapes released not just anywhere on the internet, on local television, national, national radio, etc. etc. in their entirety with our requests, and their answers, everyone will know.
3 --- JOIN , websites, blogs, groups, people, activities, Spirituality, ALL TOGETHER IN THE LOGO OF NLS truth 'will make them' all free.
Facebook group:¬if_t=group_r2j
I would ask the participation in an event that affects all of us, you and who does not know any of this'. I present to you a moment so you know: are
Maximilian carpi degree in ancient history, geology and physics expert, HAARP, chemtrails, etc. ...
I am 36 years old and for some years, I have tried everything to inform and awaken people:
-themed groups, where each week we talked and mastering every topic
-Meditazioni di gruppo
-saputo che facebook e' iper controllato ho aperto un Network sicuro: iscrivetevi
-avevo attivato ben 9 gruppi su facebook tutti a tema da Haarp, al Governo,Disoccupazione,Scie chimiche ,Ambiente ecc
-Ho deciso di mantenere aperto solo 1 gruppo su face nonlosai, il network sicuro fuori per tutti , l'ho aperto sopratutto per stimolare l'unione dei vari gruppi e siti in un luogo solo e sicuro.
sono attivi vari siti, come il Progetto Fenix
sk=group_172114912819443 (una specie di ecovillaggio ma non lo e' e' molto di piu'),
L'unione del risveglio , la radio on line
dove tutti i giorni sono a disposizione,
un Social Network libero da controlli internet come lo e' facebook e con molte piu' possibilita' di facebook :
e alla fine sono arrivato a queste conclusioni :
1- le manifestazioni non servono a nessuno, we too must adapt, because their methods (and I speak of those who govern our government really do not front) have changed. The mass media are controlled and filtered, any action such as an event does not pass through the screens or newspapers and as' really happened but as he wishes, to believe the government so I'm totally wasted time.
2 they have a great fear, is very great, that people understand, that if you gather together all or most, and put into practice some of the articles of the constitution they would be much trouble.
no coincidence that it openly:
what they did to prevent this from happening? - Have instilled fear and division among people, afraid to come forward and put your name etc ... - Are incorporated as' massive and information sites that deceive the people to petition is as easy as drinking a glass of water, on the Internet by pressing a button, anonymously. NOT 'SO. and 'invention that the skit worthy of a great actor, Grillo has put in place with the final chapter, the delivery of its signatures is completely invalid, that even a notary at 1 month was accepted for studies as valid and he knew it but paid him, and then led to the end the skit. why? to disappoint the expectations of all, to believe that the individual citizen can not 'nothing against this system. Fear. Loneliness.
In this way we are not by themselves a problem.
1 - Every person is the same signature, document, date, and No document, and the witness who collects them already 'done this in the streets, in schools, at work, at work, on the street, has legal value, and once delivered can not help but take them for good with all the requests are listed above, together with the reasons, the annexes, and names of executives, there 's all about paper -signatures-sciechimiche
2 delivery: well as be part of those who looks like anyone can volunteer to participate in the delivery, it will be 'free internet tv 2 Movies, original movies and broadcast everywhere, even on TV, since I, links that will do it, so when they are delivered to various locations that are written on the paper signatures, the delivery will be 'filmed, and impossible to change the media, so the population is not only aware of the problem but also chemtrails the one that will 'defense Italian military council chambers, the Senate and the EU.
3 That 'what the average person usually does not pause even to read the label and now as "the usual collection of signatures," NO and' the only valid weapon in our possession and who does not believe it 's because as a result of misinformation made to doc, especially because they, who commands the very shadow government, it they fear, people are made to deceive and cheat this latest trick ... understand now the difference? If people knew ahead of us, who want only the global electronic currency (already has' a name and form) has a tremendous fear
that people become aware before the realization of their NWO, for this disturbs the natural frequencies terrestrial and human systems with HAARP.
hello I hope that you will be ours, I proposed that in the event on facebook: site advertisewithus or citizens who meet to be signed pdf:
and other sites that have joined:
nexus tomBosco, / light,
sciechimiche2, Events & ; catid = 93: news
and many blogs and news sites ....
scattered ovunque
ciao complimenti comunque sia per l'ottima fonte di informazione quale siete.... grazie
spero a presto
radio diretta dal lun al venerdi, registrazioni sempre disponibili :
Max B. , 36, graduated in Ancient History, Master Reiky3 liv., Expert Sciechimiche eScienza energy, Haarp, Conspiracies, Freemasonry, Spiritual Awakening, Divine Matrix and Biogentica.
Hello, I noticed your blog very well made, but scattered everywhere and all who speak the same issue that we are now experts, chemtrails,
- diversity 'from nosrmali contrails to chemtrails
- The chemical composition of the releases of chemicals
- the type of aircraft that are unmistakable
-why we are spraying continuously
- poisoning food, water, air,
minds - the deployment of NATO bases in each state and the U.S. military to set up their free Haarp and fly over our skies and
- The complete uselessness' of governments, all subdued and controlled by a single government Shadow the Illuminati.
- parties and governments offer a false choice, to make the illusion of being free.
- The need 'to act
- there is only fear, fear that defends them and helps them, are afraid to use our strengths together .
- They fear our awakening, that we become aware of the facts, this misinformation will find on the internet, detecting, tightened controls on the most 'famous Network facebook and My Space.
- The plan more 'bottom of the pyramid of power we, the hive, who works as good bees trained to maintain the power to destroy those around us: the base has done well to make the hive of evil.
- NLS symbol that distinguishes us you also put it on your miniatira on your photo, and we recognize
- One of our weapons and 'turn against their public information, and we're doing
1 - completing the collection of signatures against chemtrails the only valid legal in all other petitions are detecting, and fake to deceive us.
2 - the delivery of signatures will be 'filmed by TV free internet, and the tapes released not just anywhere on the internet, on local television, national, national radio, etc. etc. in their entirety with our requests, and their answers, everyone will know.
3 --- JOIN , websites, blogs, groups, people, activities, Spirituality, ALL TOGETHER IN THE LOGO OF NLS truth 'will make them' all free.
Facebook group:¬if_t=group_r2j
I would ask the participation in an event that affects all of us, you and who does not know any of this'. I present to you a moment so you know: are
Maximilian carpi degree in ancient history, geology and physics expert, HAARP, chemtrails, etc. ...
I am 36 years old and for some years, I have tried everything to inform and awaken people:
-themed groups, where each week we talked and mastering every topic
-Meditazioni di gruppo
-saputo che facebook e' iper controllato ho aperto un Network sicuro: iscrivetevi
-avevo attivato ben 9 gruppi su facebook tutti a tema da Haarp, al Governo,Disoccupazione,Scie chimiche ,Ambiente ecc
-Ho deciso di mantenere aperto solo 1 gruppo su face nonlosai, il network sicuro fuori per tutti , l'ho aperto sopratutto per stimolare l'unione dei vari gruppi e siti in un luogo solo e sicuro.
sono attivi vari siti, come il Progetto Fenix
sk=group_172114912819443 (una specie di ecovillaggio ma non lo e' e' molto di piu'),
L'unione del risveglio , la radio on line
dove tutti i giorni sono a disposizione,
un Social Network libero da controlli internet come lo e' facebook e con molte piu' possibilita' di facebook :
e alla fine sono arrivato a queste conclusioni :
1- le manifestazioni non servono a nessuno, we too must adapt, because their methods (and I speak of those who govern our government really do not front) have changed. The mass media are controlled and filtered, any action such as an event does not pass through the screens or newspapers and as' really happened but as he wishes, to believe the government so I'm totally wasted time.
2 they have a great fear, is very great, that people understand, that if you gather together all or most, and put into practice some of the articles of the constitution they would be much trouble.
no coincidence that it openly:
what they did to prevent this from happening? - Have instilled fear and division among people, afraid to come forward and put your name etc ... - Are incorporated as' massive and information sites that deceive the people to petition is as easy as drinking a glass of water, on the Internet by pressing a button, anonymously. NOT 'SO. and 'invention that the skit worthy of a great actor, Grillo has put in place with the final chapter, the delivery of its signatures is completely invalid, that even a notary at 1 month was accepted for studies as valid and he knew it but paid him, and then led to the end the skit. why? to disappoint the expectations of all, to believe that the individual citizen can not 'nothing against this system. Fear. Loneliness.
In this way we are not by themselves a problem.
----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Truth 'and' another, Article 71 and ' valid, and if someone spremesse their brains to understand, as I compiled the collection of signatures to the chemtrails, and done in that way' 100% legally valid. how?: I'll tell you 'even more',
1 - Every person is the same signature, document, date, and No document, and the witness who collects them already 'done this in the streets, in schools, at work, at work, on the street, has legal value, and once delivered can not help but take them for good with all the requests are listed above, together with the reasons, the annexes, and names of executives, there 's all about paper -signatures-sciechimiche
2 delivery: well as be part of those who looks like anyone can volunteer to participate in the delivery, it will be 'free internet tv 2 Movies, original movies and broadcast everywhere, even on TV, since I, links that will do it, so when they are delivered to various locations that are written on the paper signatures, the delivery will be 'filmed, and impossible to change the media, so the population is not only aware of the problem but also chemtrails the one that will 'defense Italian military council chambers, the Senate and the EU.
3 That 'what the average person usually does not pause even to read the label and now as "the usual collection of signatures," NO and' the only valid weapon in our possession and who does not believe it 's because as a result of misinformation made to doc, especially because they, who commands the very shadow government, it they fear, people are made to deceive and cheat this latest trick ... understand now the difference? If people knew ahead of us, who want only the global electronic currency (already has' a name and form) has a tremendous fear
that people become aware before the realization of their NWO, for this disturbs the natural frequencies terrestrial and human systems with HAARP.
hello I hope that you will be ours, I proposed that in the event on facebook: site advertisewithus or citizens who meet to be signed pdf:
and other sites that have joined:
nexus tomBosco, / light,
sciechimiche2, Events & ; catid = 93: news
and many blogs and news sites ....
scattered ovunque
ciao complimenti comunque sia per l'ottima fonte di informazione quale siete.... grazie
spero a presto
radio diretta dal lun al venerdi, registrazioni sempre disponibili :
Friday, February 25, 2011
Acoustic Colutions Tv Keeps Turning Itself Off
PRESS Torino
The question that we set and ': our diseases are rare? epidemioogici Foreign Studies say no. Worldwide, these diseases are recognized and tabulated as a chronic debilitating diseases and not rare. Is confirmed by the Ministry of Health in response to the parliamentary question of Mr Borghesi, but also concludes by saying that "Italy is via a large number of fibromyalgia patients (2% 8% of the general population), and (the same goes for me / cfs) with different conditions of gravity and, consequently, with different care needs. So there is at present an objective difficulty in identifying correctly, both in terms of prevalence of clinical definition, the forms to be considered for possible inclusion in the chronic-free, according to the criteria laid down by Decree n . 124/1998 regarding the clinical severity, the degree of disability and the burden of the fee arising from the cost of treatment, with consequent failure to make a proper assessment of the impact this would have to be integrated under il profilo economico ed organizzativo."Per la sensibilita' multipla chimica invece ", ha ritenuto che l'indisponibilità di evidenze nella letteratura scientifica internazionale non consenta al momento di considerare la MCS come entità nosologicamente individuabile, e che, comunque, il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale attraverso i Livelli essenziali di assistenza (LEA), sia già in grado di fornire adeguata assistenza a tutti coloro che mostrano intolleranza all'esposizione a sostanze chimiche. Peraltro, la mancanza di conoscenze consolidate dal punto di vista clinico, diagnostico e terapeutico, non permette, allo stato attuale, di prevedere un inserimento della sindrome tra le malattie rare, a causa dei problemi che si porrebbero nel recognize in a timely and proper recipients of the benefits of the law, and in the identification of benefits, including between the LEA, effective and appropriate for treatment, monitoring of the disease and preventing further deterioration "What ?
How can' join? E 'can join the LETTER TO THE REGIONS whether as individuals, carriers of a rare condition that such groups / associations.-The letter asks that all diseases do not included in 'Annex 1 of Decree 279 / '01, will be incorporated in the regional registers rare. -To join: Enter directly signatures
HERE: writing,,, or name + last name + mail + name of the alert condition. Alternatively, collect the signatures of their own group and supporters (doctors, researchers, friends ...) through a subscription on their website / blog / FB pages, forum. After the collection of signatures, February 28, send the list of signatures collected This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The signatures collected and illnesses reported, will be attached to the joint letter sent simultaneously to the Regions and the other intended recipient. 'S sending a joint letter must be followed, in cascade, by' sending the signal on each of the conditions attached. In short, the format will be inserted and procedures for setting the PERSONAL LETTER reporting of its rare disease to the same recipients. For questions or problems, reply here or write in your dashboard or send mail to 'address: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Form for the collection in paper form : FORM FOR THE COLLECTION OF SIGNATURES and 'downloadable. Source:
Lettera comune alle regioni:diritti non regali per i malati rari
Sabato 26 Febbraio 2011 febbraio.Cosi we are to actively participate and collect signatures for the
myalgic encephalomyelitis chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and sensitivity 'multiple chemical. The question that we set and ': our diseases are rare? epidemioogici Foreign Studies say no. Worldwide, these diseases are recognized and tabulated as a chronic debilitating diseases and not rare. Is confirmed by the Ministry of Health in response to the parliamentary question of Mr Borghesi, but also concludes by saying that "Italy is via a large number of fibromyalgia patients (2% 8% of the general population), and (the same goes for me / cfs) with different conditions of gravity and, consequently, with different care needs. So there is at present an objective difficulty in identifying correctly, both in terms of prevalence of clinical definition, the forms to be considered for possible inclusion in the chronic-free, according to the criteria laid down by Decree n . 124/1998 regarding the clinical severity, the degree of disability and the burden of the fee arising from the cost of treatment, with consequent failure to make a proper assessment of the impact this would have to be integrated under il profilo economico ed organizzativo."Per la sensibilita' multipla chimica invece ", ha ritenuto che l'indisponibilità di evidenze nella letteratura scientifica internazionale non consenta al momento di considerare la MCS come entità nosologicamente individuabile, e che, comunque, il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale attraverso i Livelli essenziali di assistenza (LEA), sia già in grado di fornire adeguata assistenza a tutti coloro che mostrano intolleranza all'esposizione a sostanze chimiche. Peraltro, la mancanza di conoscenze consolidate dal punto di vista clinico, diagnostico e terapeutico, non permette, allo stato attuale, di prevedere un inserimento della sindrome tra le malattie rare, a causa dei problemi che si porrebbero nel recognize in a timely and proper recipients of the benefits of the law, and in the identification of benefits, including between the LEA, effective and appropriate for treatment, monitoring of the disease and preventing further deterioration "What ?
In a nutshell means that since the disease can appear in different forms and not being able to demonstrate the degree of gravity ': first do not recognize it at all! I wonder then why' not used the same protocols and pathways Foreign diagnostics, where the disease is recognized, to define clinical severity, degree of disability and burden share participation results from the cost of treatment in order to recognize them in an objective manner. Regarding the sensitivity 'multiple chemical, know the evidence of scientific studies used in all countries of the world for the recognition of the disease. Why send a letter to the Regions to seek recognition and allocation of a Regional Code of Exemption for Rare Diseases not yet included in Annex 1 of Decree 279/01? From
document written by the association shows that "A new proposal for a redefinition of the LEA by the current Ministry of Health, has long been blocked by the Treasury, which it considers the funding (Article 81 of the Constitution); currently no assumptions one can see the release of the measure "but about the recognition of disease" for chronic conditions such as the diagnostic possibilities should be established / routine and care centers located throughout the territory " . for Rare Diseases, as well as the basic criterion for the low prevalence (not more than 5 cases per 10,000 people), there are criteria of severity, specificity and non-availability of appropriate treatment and care and strengthened. The situation in regions that do not pay the return of the budget, may include in their Regional Registers for Rare Diseases, illnesses or other than those identified in the National Register, giving them an exemption code to the regional level. "
The content of the joint letter that will be 'sent to the regional governments and regional departments of Health, Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health, the National Rare Diseases; UNIAMO FIMR for Request recognition and award of a Regional Code of Exemption for Rare Diseases not yet available in Annex 1 of Ministerial Decree 279/01 and ' available HERE. How can' join? E 'can join the LETTER TO THE REGIONS whether as individuals, carriers of a rare condition that such groups / associations.-The letter asks that all diseases do not included in 'Annex 1 of Decree 279 / '01, will be incorporated in the regional registers rare. -To join: Enter directly signatures
HERE: writing,,, or name + last name + mail + name of the alert condition. Alternatively, collect the signatures of their own group and supporters (doctors, researchers, friends ...) through a subscription on their website / blog / FB pages, forum. After the collection of signatures, February 28, send the list of signatures collected This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The signatures collected and illnesses reported, will be attached to the joint letter sent simultaneously to the Regions and the other intended recipient. 'S sending a joint letter must be followed, in cascade, by' sending the signal on each of the conditions attached. In short, the format will be inserted and procedures for setting the PERSONAL LETTER reporting of its rare disease to the same recipients. For questions or problems, reply here or write in your dashboard or send mail to 'address: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Form for the collection in paper form : FORM FOR THE COLLECTION OF SIGNATURES and 'downloadable. Source:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What Does Qui Lo Mean
Buona sera a tutti.
Quest'oggi, come appreso dal comunicato del Dott. Discepolo si è tenuta la prima riunione del Comitato di Sorveglianza.
In concomitanza come sapete c'è stato un Sit - in di alcuni dipendenti che si sono sentiti di manifestare il proprio dissenso per i motivi elencati nei comunicati precedenti.
C'é stato l'intervento come previsto di alcuni organi di stampa che hanno raccolto alcune testimonianze che verranno pubblicate nei prossimi giorni.
Per chiarire:
La speranza da parte di Filt Cgil è che gli avvenimenti ed i passaggi siano resi più chiari di quanto siano stati sinora.
Filt Cgil sta cercando collaborazione affinché vengano resolved known issues that affect employees who are not literally later today also found striking and unexplained discrepancies also in the figures for the fund route.
FILT CGIL's intentions are certainly not the only ones to ruin the project remained on track for the future of this company and its 650 employees including 498 in layoffs. The intention to Filt CGIL is to safeguard employees and to ensure first of all, and that steps have been and will be performed on a regular basis according to the rules and promises that you get to the most profitable solution for all and in shortest time possible.
therefore work together as done so far and we will work to ensure that these few, simple, fair principles are respected.
Here we attach the exchange of mail between CGIL and explanations on the calculations on INPS Varese CIGS
Hello dr. Ragusa,
I wanted to ask whether, after ns. meeting of February 9, was able to gather evidence and information useful to clarify the question of compensation of CIGS on Livingston.
As reported in that time, the question is of vital importance for workers waiting for it to complete the process on the planned integration of Flight Fund.
Awaiting your kind reply thank you for your willingness and cooperation and cordial greeting.
Antonio Ciraci
CGIL Secretary
I'm sorry, but at the moment I have yet more evidence was presented. My concern will contact you soon as I am aware of information relevant to the "cause." Sincerely
Always aim of clarifying those questions were asked in "National" a meeting with the INPS Rome Central - A request that you enclose.
continue to work on these fronts will not be made until total clarity.
we wait for further clarification
--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1)La raccolta documenti per insinuazione al passivo per chi si vuole rivolgere a Filt Cgil è prevista per domani c/o gli Uffici di Case Nuove - via della chiesa - orari: 9.30-12.30 15.00-17.30
2) Una volta che l'azienda avrà spedito a tutti i vari prospetti creditizi tfr etc.. - Dovrete inoltrare a questa mail suddetto modulo specificando ovviamente nome e cognome e dati anagrafici:
3) Vi informiamo sin da ora che in futuro ci sarà un altro incontro per apporre delle firme a dei documenti che verranno prodotti in seguito.Sarà nostra care information in good time.
4) For those who for various personal reasons could not be here today and can not come tomorrow, please submit at the same address: @ daniela.campagna the mandate found in the Annex - completed in + part of the payroll that there have been wound up - from August to the entrance of layoffs and also in the mail detailing your personal data all, including date of birth and address if different from any residence and contacts: Number of Phone and Mail. - When the company will send the Prospectus credit / tfr you obviously you also send the same email address mentioned above usual .- For you will then set a meeting to affix signatures.
5) For those wishing to lead instead of individual documents to be produced later by the company or any document is missing: you can go to the offices of CGIL di Busto Arsizio, Via Caprera 1 - or: New homes - via the church
Buona sera a tutti.
Quest'oggi, come appreso dal comunicato del Dott. Discepolo si è tenuta la prima riunione del Comitato di Sorveglianza.
In concomitanza come sapete c'è stato un Sit - in di alcuni dipendenti che si sono sentiti di manifestare il proprio dissenso per i motivi elencati nei comunicati precedenti.
C'é stato l'intervento come previsto di alcuni organi di stampa che hanno raccolto alcune testimonianze che verranno pubblicate nei prossimi giorni.
Per chiarire:
La speranza da parte di Filt Cgil è che gli avvenimenti ed i passaggi siano resi più chiari di quanto siano stati sinora.
Filt Cgil sta cercando collaborazione affinché vengano resolved known issues that affect employees who are not literally later today also found striking and unexplained discrepancies also in the figures for the fund route.
FILT CGIL's intentions are certainly not the only ones to ruin the project remained on track for the future of this company and its 650 employees including 498 in layoffs. The intention to Filt CGIL is to safeguard employees and to ensure first of all, and that steps have been and will be performed on a regular basis according to the rules and promises that you get to the most profitable solution for all and in shortest time possible.
therefore work together as done so far and we will work to ensure that these few, simple, fair principles are respected.
Here we attach the exchange of mail between CGIL and explanations on the calculations on INPS Varese CIGS
Hello dr. Ragusa,
I wanted to ask whether, after ns. meeting of February 9, was able to gather evidence and information useful to clarify the question of compensation of CIGS on Livingston.
As reported in that time, the question is of vital importance for workers waiting for it to complete the process on the planned integration of Flight Fund.
Awaiting your kind reply thank you for your willingness and cooperation and cordial greeting.
Antonio Ciraci
CGIL Secretary
I'm sorry, but at the moment I have yet more evidence was presented. My concern will contact you soon as I am aware of information relevant to the "cause." Sincerely
Always aim of clarifying those questions were asked in "National" a meeting with the INPS Rome Central - A request that you enclose.
continue to work on these fronts will not be made until total clarity.
we wait for further clarification
--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1)La raccolta documenti per insinuazione al passivo per chi si vuole rivolgere a Filt Cgil è prevista per domani c/o gli Uffici di Case Nuove - via della chiesa - orari: 9.30-12.30 15.00-17.30
2) Una volta che l'azienda avrà spedito a tutti i vari prospetti creditizi tfr etc.. - Dovrete inoltrare a questa mail suddetto modulo specificando ovviamente nome e cognome e dati anagrafici:
3) Vi informiamo sin da ora che in futuro ci sarà un altro incontro per apporre delle firme a dei documenti che verranno prodotti in seguito.Sarà nostra care information in good time.
4) For those who for various personal reasons could not be here today and can not come tomorrow, please submit at the same address: @ daniela.campagna the mandate found in the Annex - completed in + part of the payroll that there have been wound up - from August to the entrance of layoffs and also in the mail detailing your personal data all, including date of birth and address if different from any residence and contacts: Number of Phone and Mail. - When the company will send the Prospectus credit / tfr you obviously you also send the same email address mentioned above usual .- For you will then set a meeting to affix signatures.
5) For those wishing to lead instead of individual documents to be produced later by the company or any document is missing: you can go to the offices of CGIL di Busto Arsizio, Via Caprera 1 - or: New homes - via the church
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