Saturday, January 22, 2011

Loose Socks Wholesale

the idea that groups together and start the future

i contenuti di questo post sono soggetti al copirygt in ogni loro parte non sono prelevabili se non con il permesso scritto dell'autore del blog

Leggete bene l'idea che ci portera a vivere nel futuro.

Molti parlano di villaggio amico , di villaggi autogestiti, ma sono cosa vecchi, in quanti hanno provato nel corso degli anni, anche con progetti ben fatti, per poi cadere in miseria, e chiedere l'elemosina per strada? NOI abbiamo un progetto 
ben definito e basato su semplici regole, che garantiscono ad ogni cittadino parte integrante della comunita' un'abitazione, e l'elevazione dello spirito, oltre
che un'ambiente salutare non condizionato da disinformazione, saremo sempre attivi per difendere il nostro ambiente, ma saremo in completa armonia con la terra ed ogni essere vivente. E' la mente di tutti che deve evolvere tutti assieme, cio' che sa uno, sanno everyone else there are divisions, there are no castes. all are working just for the sake comune.segue
, and knowing only goal of the project NEW WORLD read it in detail on the link, nothing to do with the village friend, if I estimate their perseverance, unfortunately, will not be able 'WILL BE ghetizzati operate within their borders without being able to interact with the outside world.



create a town or a village self-association? (28 \\ 11 \\ 2010)

The two could easily be joined together,

I'm thinking that as of 2011 bestows on us or me in finding a suitable place to create, in Italy, we citizens of a village, with its rules, His administration, which does not use money, where the only purpose is to live in harmony with others and nature, which apply to the science of new energy models that combine a lost past to a sustainable future.

a suitable environment where anger, criminality 'or discrimination does not exist, but rather there is peace and harmony among all people, as if it were a single large family.
a building used only in the meetings, each with its own home, heated and lit by grant us free energy from wind, sun and age ....
I said a building used for health, and a vote of the citizens, who equally may delegate to appropriate persons, to constitute a committee to represent them in each area.
What is an interface with the outside world, 'cause the town itself will be' a shared aggregation town, a town association for legal purposes.
an ecovillage in practice with a completely different way of life and detached from the driven in the surrounding world, and more 'grow any imitation of this model, most' will become 'the largest association that eventually will cover 'the old way of life, and will replace it' with the new, eliminating politicians and governments, wars and money, a 'inglobalizzazione of globalization driven by consumerism and destructive egoism and slavery' militarization and fear .... .

and I believe that 'the little that we must start building the new, big world, not clashes, demonstrations, struggles, and adding hate speech.
But by example, creating a model for early life, regenerating the man, science and environmentalism, meditation and selfless work, time to cultivate their passions, the arts study, increase the level of knowledge of whether themselves and hence others.

imagine a future like that?
I will, and I will start to build it with you all. 'Cause the world in this direction is towards the ruin.
man has reached the bottom of the bottom of the respect which could have, the man gave the worst and if it is' completely lost. Led by people who are destroying the world, cynical corporate owners of the death, contemptuous of life in all its forms is present, driven by selfishness and desire for power, are creating in their own image and likeness of the people led to consumerism, war, poverty ', dreams of power and ignorance.

We can not afford, unite to us and to our PROJECT, a spark that will 'revive the human race.

max b.
you look in the new Social tuttto No

07 \\ 01 \\ 2011, the project continues ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Hello everyone,
between 3 weeks I start running, backpacking, and I go to visit all the countries Italian uninhabited, until 'I can not find the one most suitable to create the project New World Village me.php? Sk = group_1721149128 19443 & doc = view & id = 17333858 2697076

Meanwhile those of you who 's interested let me know by sending an email massimiliano.bernabovi @ fas , serve, engineers, doctors, teachers i, and common person , artists, technicians electronic free energy, who knows how to build solar panels, in short, anyone can be helpful in the community 'to be born an example of civilization' new, to emulate, as an example for a new lifestyle herbalists also know that natural remedies to cure people, yoga teachers, martial arts, etc. etc. ....
I expect your application to my mail ......

those who want to join me in searching for the place is fine. I still birth in 3 weeks.

hear updates on radio (Mon-Fri) do not know it at 1:30 p.m.
and throughout the day to register: ow / radio_non_lo_sai

or join our facebook networks out:

also find them all the updates of the project ....
to help the birth of the future if you want to contribute send your friends an email with this content:

https: / / / cgi -bin/webscr? Cmd = _donations & business = DL4BF5KY4PMVW & lc = U.S. & ITEM_NAME = nonlosai.nin & currency_code = EUR & bn = PP-DonationsBF% 3Abtn_dona teCC_LG.gif% 3ANonHosted

Hello everyone
Namaste 'Max


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