updates: 2 buste + extras infos
Good evening at all.
This morning number two envelopes were delivered by the Notary.
The Commissioner has decided to postpone the opening of the envelopes on 17.01.2010 in conjunction with the meeting of the Supervisory Committee (which has since been made up) then this will wait
have to date infos and specifications in this regard.
By tomorrow we will be able to give further explanations on how they were "made" the amounts on column 7 -
specify that we wanted to contact the Study Martinoia after receipt of such forms as have been reported by various colleagues obvious errors such as: dates of employment, lack of checks fam., trade union membership etc.-also missing at the meeting were said certain things that seem so do not match -
would nevertheless like to remove the doubts which means the amount stated in column 7 of the SR41 is the one that counted 80% INPS -
It is true that there are two roofs ceilings but we must remember that if the amount is lower than € 840.81 (maximum roof INPS net of tax of 5.84% ) INPS will amount below:
example: I am on my SR41 € 800 - will be calculated 80% = 640 €
Inps but NOT pass 840 € 640 € - Vero
then is that the fund will fly to "cover up" the remainder had up to 80% of the average salary - but it is also right that everyone is made aware of how these amounts have been converted into 1 - and that the amounts as all other entries are correct to the penny - Our work in this regard is to make it happen sure that everyone - business and consultants are working around the clock to achieve this goal together as quickly as possible.
FUND FLIGHT - you will get the mail that Flight Advisors Fund have sent us mail in response to specific case studies:
"all cases should be highlighted be regarded as indicating the fund rules:
2. Salary reference
"The salary of reference to be used for the determination of the specific treatment provided for in Article
. 1-ter of law December 3, 2004, No. 291,
for workers, is that resulting from Average salary of items
gross fixed, monthly gross wages and salaries and additional items
contract with the character of continuity, perceived by the person in the 12 months preceding the
instance, with specific exclusion of compensation for overtime work
. The predicted wage lorda complessiva dovrà essere
rapportata al numero di ore retribuite nei dodici mesi di riferimento, al fine di
evitare, nei casi di mancata prestazione di lavoro per qualsiasi ragione durante
il periodo preso a base per il calcolo, che il lavoratore interessato subisca una
decurtazione del beneficio previsto."
Quanto indica il Regolamento sta a significare che se nei 12 mesi risulta retribuzione annua, anche parziale, la stessa va considerata come riferimento rapportandola al perido temporale retribuito. ( chi ha lavorato solo 6 mesi si ridivide per 6 e si aggiungono i ratei di 13esima e 14esima)
Esempio 1: ( PARI MESI LAVORATI - DIFFERENZA DI BUSTE PAGA ) se una persona has a total gross earnings of € 60 thousand and 50 thousand another and have both worked all year, adjusted both items which are not of continuity, and equal in their internal composition, the first should have a superior performance by 20% per second.
Example 2: If the second person had, for whatever reason, failure to pay for 20% of days at least, (I HAVE WORKED FOR 9 MONTHS TO 12) should be about the same performance as the first.
So the concept is different from that of the remuneration that it determines the theoretical total annual salary be useful to calculate unemployment benefits, mobility and redundancy and which should enter the amount theoretical terms of salary of the month. (>> CALCULATION INPS)
theoretical means to pay the wages which the employee would have received if they had not intervened protected events that may give rise to credit figurative or not protected. This amount will be always compared to the full month, except in cases of recruitment and / or termination which will be referred to the period between the hire date and the end of the month, or between the beginning of the month and the date of termination or again from the date of appointment and the date of termination.
do not know if I can be clear, however:
Example of AV for an indefinite period from 19/04/2010: consider the remuneration gross total consists of all the items fixed and still having the character of continuity, and even daily allowances, as of that date, divide by the hours paid until October 1, 2010 and from this determine the performance of 80%.
should be determined by detecting the pay periods that make sense to catch the best time of season (fixed-term contracts over the same ultmi 12 months), recognized as the same person (the Fund speaks of permanent workers but at the same Article 2 refers to "the perceived retribuizioni the previous 12 months) mainly to avoid a cut in the determination of performance. So all compared pay
days to pay from October 1, 2009 (365-76).
inform you that our advice relates solely to the support provided for the correctness of the procedures taken by the Fund and Social Security.
The identification and determination of remuneration and institutional tasks entrusted to the function of staff making use of external study.
However, we can clarify the meaning of calculation logic, but technically not to intervene in the determination of percentage shares, also because I believe that the same entity and external study, however, have absolutely no interest to define them in a manner inconsistent than the Regolamanto of Fund states. However, the next
weeks in the light of 'analysis about the performance of the entire procedure with the Fund and from Social Security, I will have to verify the positions highlighted and provide an indication of response. Sincerely
Here partt of Our email response: RRSSAA FILT CGIL FUND STUDY TRIP:
" Good morning to you again - thank you for providing us with these initial consultations.
We are confident that the study that deals with the calculations in good faith but due to the special series we care especially for prevention "catch red tape" that adversely affect those in the ultra-discriminatory employees.
We look forward to your clarification regarding all other series ..
.... We look forward to your infos -
unemployment benefits:
For those who still had problems in enforcing its rights to claim confonti INPS - we provide you with useful contact to assist the INPS Reference: INPS GALLARATE - Ms. CARAVITA: 0331 703028 - We remain as always available - unfortunately every Inps think in different ways and we must try in every way!
For the moment everything is
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