Buona sera a tutti/e.
La presente per ricordare ancora una volta l'importante incontro di domani presso spazi cgil - Mxp - T1 - lato Palazzina ENAC - zona torre di controllo - h 14. Preghiamo di essere puntuali.
Per chi non se ne fosse accorto, la situazione non è tra le più rosee:
ENAC ha confermato la revoca rights to fly to CUN HAV and - almost 2 points stronger among asset Livingston -
Day 10 has been slid to 17 days the opening of the envelopes in conjunction with the meeting of the Supervisory Board
Day 17: The Supervisory Committee is able to meet since missing two members.
Both cordate concerned shall not present the 2 million bail.
Today: INPS has accredited the first money (what?? Verified.) Employees Livingston - The amount shown is the result of calculations from INPS through the release from a Model SR41 - In this case the calculation is done amount of casella7 - that amount to the sum of: base pay
(+ seniority 'ON)
ALLOWANCE' FLIGHT OF GUARANTEED MINIMUM (+ seniority 'ON) - calculated at 50% - We are not aware of WHY' are not calculated at 100 % - We hope Friday that the company can provide the explanations and rules which do rifermiento - ACCRUED
13th and 14th - (calculated scaled in relation to the above paragraph) -
RESULT: - example: HS / Junior basic pay of 915 € (basic wage + allowances min.gar flight.) Today we have seen a wage equal to 350 Euro c.ca
RESULT: The banks have provided loans of about 1000E/mens - They're calling to warn colleagues that will be cut to the bottom of the amounts paid from the proceeds as it does not redeemable by the Bank receives from Social Security -
FILT CGIL has sent an email stating that the Office staff is NOT 'no intention to create operational difficulties and that our only need is to know in detail the procedures and criteria used in calculating the peril Cigs also and above all to give accurate information to workers, we are waiting for a response
We have sent an email to the Flight Fund to try to understand that timing plan to grant the remainder due, we are waiting
We contacted several times to get the bottom flight delucidazioni riguardo la normativa da applicare: poco chiari
Abbiamo chiesto se a loro risulta che il Fondo Volo integri il restante 50% della indennità di Volo minima garantita - in poche parole quanto sarà l'ammonatare Cigs: poco chiari
Abbiamo chiesto più volte di fornirci delle risposte riguardo il trattamento delle casistiche particolari: poco chiari
Vi riportiamo di seguito gli ultimi scambi di mail tra RRSSAA e Addetto fondo volo:
RRSSAA:La ricontattiamo (...) vorremmo chiederLe se a Lei risulta e può confermarci che per i calcoli di Alitalia, la base ivi compresa "INDENNITA' DI VOLO MINIMA GARANTITA" veniva presa al 100% e su questo valore - l'Inps calcolava ( tramite SR41) then the bottom 80% 5.84% (applying the ceilings).
may also give us confirmation of what? And possibly provide guidance on relevant legislation? -
FLIGHT RESPONSE FUND: Good evening, Ll'indennità flight that daily allowances are considered 100% for determining the amount of integration of the Fund. Beware the fact that once determined, the same overall amount is taxed at 100% and not according to what the same items that we normally consider to be 50% or so free to race in it.
RRSSAA: So sorry about (...)- She is telling us that the remaining 50% compensation flight (+ per diem and continuing share) will be taken into account by the end flight and then duly taxed at 100%? We await your reply
Maybe I did not understand the question
summary before things known to all:
The INPS provides direct processing of wage which corresponds to 80% of the total remuneration that the worker would have received had he not been suspended for up to 40 hours worked per week.
the amount of 80% has a monthly limit, which was introduced since 1980, which is reviewed annually (see table on site INPS).
the table of the ceilings, which will be updated for this year in February, shows for 2010, and € 96 892 € 1073.25 depending on the earnings of less than € 1,931.36. The two amounts are gross and are reduced as you say the 5.84% pension contribution equal to the apprentice (Article 769 paragraph 1 of Law 296/2006) to be € 840.81 and 1010.57. All this for 12 months.
on these amounts and apply the current income tax deductions related: for example qundi € 840.81 x 12 = 10089.72.
To this sum is the standard rate of 23% (€ 2,320.64 per year).
attention, adding further pressure on the regional and municipal addzionale: on average in Lombardy and giving an average of 1.4 to calculate Always on total income.
spoke in favor the deduction from employment, which in our case is equal to € 1690.14 per year.
If the person has paid his wife and if he made the request on the INPS to apply the deduction will have additional benefits. At the end
in practice this was only the net amount, less the contribution of 5.84, is expected to remain virtually the same.
What happens if you add the Social Security wage integration special fund to provide support?
This last benefit is calculated by taking the average over the 12 months preceding 1 October 2010 to pay all items with fixed and variable nature of continuity, excluding overtime. So the flight and subsistence allowances enter the account to 100%.
So, given li'ntegrazione cigs wage, plus the provision of the special fund to reach 80% of the average of 12 months, as indicated in the Fund Regulation.
Before I wanted to specify that at this point the mechanism of withholding income tax deductions and changes, because the total is considered, the net rate of pension, 100% for the calculation of personal income tax brackets in the current plans and related deductions of employees tax and, of course they can not understand that this amount contains entries that constancy of normal salary would be considered for tax purposes and 50% oppure addirittura esenti, nel caso della diaria, con le frachigie previste.
Non volevo crearvi confusione maggior rispetto a quello che la materia già genera.
Comunque quando volete possiamo fare una simulata.
Se il soggetto in sede di domanda di cigs ha anche richiesto le detrazioni di imposta l'irpef viene mitigato . esempio di soggetto con da l'importo finale netto annuo da corrispondere risulta 7769,08 euro
buon dì (...)ho deciso di inviarle le buste paga necessarie per la simulazione.
le chiedo poi se ha avuto modo di verificare come vengono fatti i calcoli, e soprattutto su quali buste pay, maternity leave or for those colleagues with topping.
maybe the answer was in his mail, but if so then I have not learned. could help me understand?
thank you and wish you a good evening.
(..) from what I understand the accounts are made following qello indicating the Rules of the Fund, whereas the gross fixed and variable components with continuity in the face of the daily wages paid in 12 months earlier.
If there are extreme cases with no days during the same period, to be verified how the calculation is determined. The process must follow a path of determination that is fair. I examine
attachments e ci sentiamo a breve.
ANCORA RRSSAA: Buona sera (...) Lei è in grado di darci tempistiche riguardo l'accredito della parte fondo volo ai dipendenti Livingston? (...)
Abbiamo voluto rendere pubblico questo scambio di mail poiché capiate COSA sta succedendo e perché a volte NON riusciamo a darvi risposte chiare.
Tutto ciò è assurdo.
Il tempo sta passando inesorabilmente e ci sono troppi segnali negativi. Domani siete TUTTI/E pregati/e di essere presenti per fare il punto della situazione - In addition to studying all possible ideas -
If you still believe in the possibility of returning to fly / work for this airline if you are not resigned to the fact that someone has ruined forever the course of many years, if you still believe that we can do something to change our situation and will not be anybody else to change it for us, if you are not resigned to roll up their sleeves and start over somewhere else .. always find somewhere else to go (given the unemployment rate in Italy / Europe average wages) .. or if you just miss the old life, your life, we believe it is right to meet together tomorrow and prepare for the Meeting on Friday.
We remain available
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