Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Episode Of Bones Does Angela

Penne arrabbiatissime e Bruschette di polenta con 'nduja e bufala

La sento chiaramente avvicinarsi, poi correre giù dalle scale del mio condominio. Quando apro la porta faccio appena in tempo a intravvedere la sagoma di quella donna allontanarsi nell'ombra e quello strano pacco abbandonato lì, di fronte alla porta d'ingresso del mio appartamento. Sopra c'è una scritta: "Maiale!".
Cosa diavolo significa? Ho fatto uno sgarbo a qualcuno? E, chissà se dovrei aprirlo oppure no...

La necessità di capire, di sapere, mi ha già sopraffatto e il pacco si trova sul tavolo della sala, che poi è anche il tavolo della kitchen, a few meters away from short, the first of the two rooms I have.
Pig. I am puzzled.
I open the package carefully, slowly lift the board and inside ... I do not understand. There's something inside a transparent plastic bag. It appears in a vacuum. E 'red. A deep red and I, Holy God, I fear that something awful. It looks like a liver or something like that.

I decided to challenge myself and grab that package with both hands and pull it out of the box. Now is the light. Below is a ticket. It says again: "Pig."
Outside it starts to rain. I feel the drops flow into the gutter, slow and cold, just like the blood that is frozen in my veins. Should I put that package in the box and, perhaps, to call someone. But no. It's not in my nature. I have to understand. I need to know. I need to hear.

So I take a knife and carve the plastic and, in one second, the room is invaded by an extraordinary aroma. E 'smell of smoke, smell of old wine, the aroma of the southern sun.
I can not go wrong. That is the unforgettable scent of the 'nduja. I do not remember when I tasted for the first time that extraordinary sausage, spicy and intense, that only they can create in the Calabrian more fairly. It was just pork. Pork with an exclamation point. It was not a warning, but an extraordinary gift.
And so, without risparmiarmi un piccolo assaggio, decido di invitare un'amica, per condividere le "piccanti" virtù dell'nduja con due semplici piatti: delle penne all'arrabbiata e delle bruschette di polenta.


Poche complicazioni per questa ricetta. Il soffritto è composto esclusivamente da un pezzetto di 'nduja, fatto sciogliere in una padella con un goccio (solo un goccio) di olio extravergine di oliva. Il grasso si scioglie in fretta, liberando i semi di peperoncino sul fondo della pentola. Poi aggiungo la polpa di pomodoro and a pinch of salt (not too much because the fund is already salty).
While the sauce is cooking, bring the water to boil and, after salty, throw the pasta in this case the penne. The drain when it is still al dente, then why the jump for a minute in the pan with plenty of spicy sauce, sprinkle a handful of chopped parsley. Pasta is very ready.

Ingredients: Two ounces of penne, a tin of tomato (pulp), a piece of about 80 grams of 'nduja, fresh parsley, olive oil, salt.


Using pre-cooked polenta cakes and packed in rectangular. The cut in slices about an inch high, then I cook on a nonstick pan until both sides are charred slices of polenta.
wait for cool down, then arranged on each slice a piece of 'nduja and cubes of buffalo mozzarella, I first squeezed it very well to lose the serum inside.
Now Just four minutes in the oven, 200 °, to dissolve both the 'nduja that mozzarella, in an embrace of a very special taste, in its simplicity.

Ingredients: A packet of pre-cooked polenta, 'nduja, mozzarella di bufala.


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