Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wall Motion Sensor Switch Plate

Fragole ontologiche su crema al mascarpone e amaretti

really nothing special. This is only a night to pamper myself. Every now and then gave it to me as a form of compensation ... Really, I wanted to tell one of my usual stories to justify this recipe, but really I had little time available.
I wasted those moments at my disposal to mount the egg white until stiff and to reflect on the meaning of my existence. Ie: really exist? Or are imagined by someone? Or I guess someone I imagine.
Moreover u n physical object exists if and only if, is, at the present time, spatial location within the universe with which we are in contact.
Well, I wonder, are located spatially in this universe?
Really I'm not sure.
Looking at these strawberries, still not smelling the truth, and this mascarpone cream white and fluffy as I like, I'm thinking of me being the author. But I just can certainly be one hundred percent?
Well, while I give myself another ten minutes to figure out whether or not there, I tell you how I put in foot shot that I call "ontological Strawberries on mascarpone cream and amaretto.

First of all I whipped egg whites just three extracts from the fridge, by adding a pinch of salt. Then I added them with mascarpone, which I worked gently with the sugar until soft and creamy white.

Meanwhile in chopped strawberries and dress with little brown sugar. Then I laid on the bottom of the glass I poured over crushed amaretti biscuits and cream, filling the glass with strawberries and a round of caramel. Ideally, to enjoy the trick, is to sink to the bottom of the spoon, taking all three basic ingredients. If you do not read this post, it will mean that I do not exist.

Ingredients: strawberries, mascarpone (200g), three whites, a handful of macaroons, granulated sugar, brown sugar, salt, caramel.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Endocervical Squamous Metaplastic Cells

Paccheri alla Ivan Drago

vividly remember the thunderous applause when, after a series of stringent shots, Ivan Drago Rocky put to the mat. Apollo Creed's death at the hands of Ivan Drago, that fueled the terrible climate of hatred between the U.S. and USSR, it was hard to accept. And that KO was liberating. I, too, applauded.
was 1985 and I was 9 years old. and Rocky was Rocky.
But quell'Ivan ...

Think about it a bit '. It was the Olympic champion in office and when he came into the ring to fight with Apollo was overwhelmed by boos really ungenerous, with James Brown who was shouting "Living in America ...", and that Apollo made fun dancing around. Then he had to stay with Brigitte Nielsen, if clearly understood it with the coach, train with futuristic machines and tortured, before a host of journalists and photographers.

Rocky while on vacation in the mountains, breathe the fresh air, practicing in peace and sharing his cabin with Adrian. Yes, yes, you train so hard, but eventually you want to put the economic return that would have the sponsors to return to the U.S., compared to Dragon, which being a soldier would have to give everything to the party? In short, the end is much less egocentric Drago Balboa, and exclaims in the ring, before the military leaders: "I do it for me, I do it for myself." Rocky however, must do the beautiful "If I can change, if you can change the whole world can change. "But what does he know?" He's always beaten everyone, saying that he only interested in fighting, then just go well an international meeting ago, the diplomat, was not even Gandhi.

Well, to me is nice Ivan Drago, with his faults and weaknesses, hidden under the cold peel Bolshevik. And so I dedicate a paste. I'll do the paccheri vodka, which I will call in his honor "Paccheri to Ivan Drago." It is said that it is precisely this that dragon ate the pasta before you take out the bully of Apollo Creed. Tell me if you do not if it was sought ...

I cook on low heat, cut into julienne of leeks with a red pepper, then add a handful of cherry tomatoes cut into wedges. Add salt and dry I briefly from the water released from the tomatoes. Grading with vodka and when I remove the alcohol is evaporated from the heat, add the cream and a sprinkling of white pepper.

Meanwhile Cook paccheri and, after draining, blowing them into the sauce over low heat and sprinkle with parsley. Ivan Bon appetit. You are always in our hearts.

Ingredients: paccheri, tomatoes, vodka, porro, panna da cucina, olio extravergine, sale e pepe bianco, peperoncino, prezzemolo.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Episode Of Bones Does Angela

Penne arrabbiatissime e Bruschette di polenta con 'nduja e bufala

La sento chiaramente avvicinarsi, poi correre giù dalle scale del mio condominio. Quando apro la porta faccio appena in tempo a intravvedere la sagoma di quella donna allontanarsi nell'ombra e quello strano pacco abbandonato lì, di fronte alla porta d'ingresso del mio appartamento. Sopra c'è una scritta: "Maiale!".
Cosa diavolo significa? Ho fatto uno sgarbo a qualcuno? E, chissà se dovrei aprirlo oppure no...

La necessità di capire, di sapere, mi ha già sopraffatto e il pacco si trova sul tavolo della sala, che poi è anche il tavolo della kitchen, a few meters away from short, the first of the two rooms I have.
Pig. I am puzzled.
I open the package carefully, slowly lift the board and inside ... I do not understand. There's something inside a transparent plastic bag. It appears in a vacuum. E 'red. A deep red and I, Holy God, I fear that something awful. It looks like a liver or something like that.

I decided to challenge myself and grab that package with both hands and pull it out of the box. Now is the light. Below is a ticket. It says again: "Pig."
Outside it starts to rain. I feel the drops flow into the gutter, slow and cold, just like the blood that is frozen in my veins. Should I put that package in the box and, perhaps, to call someone. But no. It's not in my nature. I have to understand. I need to know. I need to hear.

So I take a knife and carve the plastic and, in one second, the room is invaded by an extraordinary aroma. E 'smell of smoke, smell of old wine, the aroma of the southern sun.
I can not go wrong. That is the unforgettable scent of the 'nduja. I do not remember when I tasted for the first time that extraordinary sausage, spicy and intense, that only they can create in the Calabrian more fairly. It was just pork. Pork with an exclamation point. It was not a warning, but an extraordinary gift.
And so, without risparmiarmi un piccolo assaggio, decido di invitare un'amica, per condividere le "piccanti" virtù dell'nduja con due semplici piatti: delle penne all'arrabbiata e delle bruschette di polenta.


Poche complicazioni per questa ricetta. Il soffritto è composto esclusivamente da un pezzetto di 'nduja, fatto sciogliere in una padella con un goccio (solo un goccio) di olio extravergine di oliva. Il grasso si scioglie in fretta, liberando i semi di peperoncino sul fondo della pentola. Poi aggiungo la polpa di pomodoro and a pinch of salt (not too much because the fund is already salty).
While the sauce is cooking, bring the water to boil and, after salty, throw the pasta in this case the penne. The drain when it is still al dente, then why the jump for a minute in the pan with plenty of spicy sauce, sprinkle a handful of chopped parsley. Pasta is very ready.

Ingredients: Two ounces of penne, a tin of tomato (pulp), a piece of about 80 grams of 'nduja, fresh parsley, olive oil, salt.


Using pre-cooked polenta cakes and packed in rectangular. The cut in slices about an inch high, then I cook on a nonstick pan until both sides are charred slices of polenta.
wait for cool down, then arranged on each slice a piece of 'nduja and cubes of buffalo mozzarella, I first squeezed it very well to lose the serum inside.
Now Just four minutes in the oven, 200 °, to dissolve both the 'nduja that mozzarella, in an embrace of a very special taste, in its simplicity.

Ingredients: A packet of pre-cooked polenta, 'nduja, mozzarella di bufala.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stuffed Toys With Babies In Tummy

Semi al cedrus, mandragola e funghetti magici, su salsa di formaggio di Tatzelwurm

I have a fever for three days and my sensory perceptions deceive me. I continuous hallucinations smell. Yesterday I was certain that something in my own house on fire. At least, I think it was yesterday.
I took a lot of aspirin and the refrigerator is a bottle of coca cola. Alcohol? No. Nothing. I control. Strange though that he used a corkscrew to open the bottle of water.
I hate to throw away my time. The night I weird dreams and wake up tired. So I sit on the couch watching television, even if those pesky monsters that come out from the screen make me afraid.
But I know that things are not real. They are not real. They are not real.

cook! In the kitchen I find my size. Everything has a meaning.
"Do not do Sergio .... Do not do it ..." Three days
I do not have contact with the outside world. I see shadows moving in the house, but doors and windows are tightly closed. I'm hungry. I have to cook. I've said?
will prepare poppy seeds with magic mushrooms. It 's my house is strong and that is needed.
"Do not do Sergio ... You can not do it ..."

"All right! I'm damned elves. I cook, whether you like it or not! But you could help me."
Good. Now the kitchen is no longer alone. With me are Boggart and Lurikeen. The first is an evil elf, the other is in search of paradise lost.
Well, I will proceed in this manner. First of milula finely bruised and put to cook over low heat with a little 'fat dragon. When milula become transparent add the magic mushrooms and cut into small pieces, then the poppy seeds that I will toast for good. Smudge with the nectar of Dionysus then continue adding broth a little at a time of magic herbs. Halfway through cooking add the leaves of Mandrake, and finally cooked, the peel into the pot Gratteri Himalayan Cedrus grated cheese and a hearty Tibetan Yak.
could accompany this dish with a sauce made from a beautiful Yak grated cheese, ½ cup milk gata of carrion and two tablespoons of cream cheese Tatzelwurm.
"Well elves. To work! You know what to do!"

If you have difficulties to find these ingredients, you can make this replacement is:

Ingredients: Rice carnaroli (poppy seeds), onion (milula), butter (fat Dragon), vegetable stock (broth magic herbs), mushrooms (magic mushrooms), rosemary (Mandrake), lemon (Cedrus Himalayas), cow's milk (milk gata carrion), Parmesan cheese (Yak), mascarpone (Tatzelwurm cream cheese), white wine (nectar of Dionysus).

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pokemon Games For Vba Express Ubuntu

Pane kangaroo alle verdure

E 'for some' time that I hear constantly of Australia. People coming back, people who go. On sky continue to give the film Australia. On the mailbox I get mail saying: "From Australia a blue pill against your problems eras ...". In radio I keep hearing AC / DC and be on MTV videos of Kylie Minogue and Natalie Imbruglia. A subliminal bombardment. Made me want to prepare a dish that I saw some TV chef a few years ago. I do not remember who. But he said it was preparing a typical Australian, who accompanied i barbecue e i pranzi all'aperto.

Una ricetta facile facile, che va pianificata con un paio di giorni di anticipo. Però effettivamente è sfiziosa.
Si prende una pagnottona, tipo pane di Altamura. Va bene anche un pane insipido, forse meglio. L'importante è che sia bello sodo.
Il pane va scoperchiato, tagliandolo nella parte alta. Va fatta attenzione nel taglio, che deve essere più preciso possibile, visto che poi la pagnotta dovrà essere richiusa. Poi la pagnotta va svuotata dalla mollica.

Fatto questo, si preparano le verdure. Vanno bene tutte quelle che si grigliano. Vanno tagliate tutte in fette sottili, perché poi dovranno essere disposte a strati dentro la pagnotta. Quindi, grigliamo melanzane, zucchine, peperoni, pomodori a fettine, anche delle patate magari. Poi mettiamo tutto a marinare il olio evo, sale, aglio e prezzemolo. Tagliamo a fettine anche del formaggio, magari una mozzarella fior di latte.

A questo punto mettiamo nella pagnotta strati di verdure miste intervallati dal formaggio, fino a riempirla completamente. Chiudiamo il pane con il suo coperchio e lo avvolgiamo nella pellicola. A questo punto va riposto in frigorifero con un peso che lo pressi un po', per un paio di giorni. I sapori delle verdure si fonderanno assieme e la composizione si rassoderà per per bene.

Non resterà che tagliare il pane a fette, come se fosse une bella torta!
Non so se in Australia sta cosa la mangiano really, but it works.
Damn ... And if you now make a Japanese film on TV as I manage??

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blurry Vision With Tingling Extremities

Gnocchi speck e funghi al profumo di Alba

Devil as it was beautiful. I saw her go into that bar at 23:32 and at 23:33 I knew what I should do. He had long fingers and slender, quick movements, nervous eyes that begs to be set. And I stared a long time, until our eyes inevitably crossed through spectra of smoke hung in the air.

I read in my mind and I was reading in his. He moved from the front of a lock of hair that long charcoal covering her forehead, then smiled, without stopping to look. I did not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow it would end that evening, but of course I knew that it was time to give in to emotions.

moved people around her that I still had not given a face. They called Alba. Clearly heard their voices as I approached her. I knew I was certainly running a risk at that time. I could have come across as a man, or, and perhaps would have been the worst thing I could fall for her. I could not afford it. But that was my job: to ask questions and find the culprits.

The bartender
dark angel had described in minute detail and I do not need to cover the identikit understand that this was the woman who was looking for "Miss ... please. Can you come with me for a chat? "I asked, showing my badge.
She did not answer. He put out his cigarette and ended up drinking the cocktail resting on the table. Then he got up and walked in front of me without saying a word.

turned into the back door of the room and we were both wrapped in the darkness of the courtyard outside.
"Let's go to her," Alba said, "I'm hungry." Then he started walking, pulling in my car. How did he know it was mine? Because he wanted to go home? But above all, I should accommodate his intentions? At that moment the voice of my instinct was screaming more than my reason and so, I slipped the keys in the ignition and within minutes we were in front of my apartment.

"Cucinami something," he said again, "In the face of a good dish to answer all your questions."
Shortly after we ate and drank a lot. Rinviai the questions later. A still later. Then the next morning. I heard her slip out from the sheets when the sun had not risen yet and I knew if I did not stop at that moment, I would see again.
I did not do anything.
Of her I was only that name.
I whispered when the first light filtered through the curtains. Alba.

If you want someone to sing while you are instructed to solve a murder case, not cucinategli of simple and delicious dumplings. But most importantly, it manages school a bottle of crisp white wine late at night. The desire to ask questions you will pass too quickly and will be replaced by very different needs.

That night, even when I was a detective, I had very few things in the fridge: a piece of bacon, fresh gnocchi, porcini mushrooms and frozen in a jar, a small white truffle of Alba. And those ten minutes I had to prepare something delicious and undemanding.

in a pan (not a wok, but almost), I heat extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic. Then, I removed the garlic and I added the bacon cut into matches. When it is browned, I added frozen porcini mushrooms (if fresh, the better). While the mushrooms lose water and the juice regained the right temperature, I threw the gnocchi in boiling salted water.

The two minutes that I've cooked pasta used salting the mushrooms, adding white pepper and chopped parsley. And finally, with the gnocchi to the surface now, I have joined and drained pasta to the sauce, making her jump a few seconds in the pan. Once the plates have the gnocchi sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, grated adding two light truffle (optional Absolutely. I only put it to work with the story told). And then. None. Only a long series of looks complicit with the aromas of this dish that melted in the air with the sweet scent of Alba.

INGREDIENTS: 400 grams of gnocchi, 250 grams of frozen mushrooms, 80 grams in one slice of bacon, olive oil, truffle, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poptropica Games Like Playground

Esperienza extrasensoriale di pesce spada agli agrumi

do not know why whenever I decide to prepare a dish of fish caught my eye on the freezer compartment ... It 's like as if I felt a strange calling ...
may be the fault of the usual trout murdered? Maybe this time not a factor.
I think it's something related to seafood. The aliens escape, of which I had spoken long ago, maybe she wanted to tell me more. Perhaps the invasion of extraterrestrials che mi aveva annunciato non era pura immaginazione. Già, perché nel frattempo è successo qualcos'altro...

Il mese scorso, riempiendo il bagno di vapore facendo una lunga doccia bollente, mi sono accorto che sullo specchio erano stati tracciati alcuni strani simboli.
Nella foto qui accanto se ne vedono un paio, ma si trattava di una lunga colonna di simboli apparentemente privi di significato.
Non è che alla cosa ci avrei dato chissà quale peso, però, lo specchio lo avevo pulito il giorno prima e casa mia non è così frequentata...
Insomma, vuoi mica che ci sia un collegamento?
Il mare, il pesce, gli alieni, i delfini in via d'estinzione,  le balene che si suicidano, Atlantide, il Chupacabra.. .

Non so, qualcosa non mi torna.

La notte dormo poco, ma poi decido come muovermi. Adotterò un approccio scientifico, basandomi sull'esperienza documentata in maniera puntuale nel documentario "Paranormal Activity".
Così, per verificare se le voci e i fenomeni che accadono ultimamente nella mia casetta riguardano davvero il pesce di mare.

Ecco. Cucinerò una "Esperienza extrasensoriale di pesce spada agli agrumi". Anche in questo caso, inventerò poco o nulla. La ricetta in sé non is important. What we really need is to check the facts, the certainty that humanity will survive alien invasion.
I do not know if I'll be able to face this alone, then, without saying the real reason for the dinner, invite some friends and I get a tablet ouija well.

We will be in five, and five pieces of the sword, 2 oranges, 2 grapefruit, 1 lemon, a handful of pistachios, a handful of raisins, pine nuts and wild fennel.
La preparazione è molto semplice. Infarinate i tranci di spada, poi disponeteli in una padella con aglio e olio già caldo. Salateli. Dopo un paio di minuti, quando saranno rosolati, girate i tranci, sfumate con del vino bianco. Quando sarà evaporato l'alcol, aggiungerete il succo delle arance, dei pompelmi e del limone. Sbriciolate i pistacchi e aggiungeteli in padella insieme all'uva sultanina e ai pinoli.
Abbassate il fuoco, coprite la pentola e lasciate cuocere fino a quando la salsa si sarà addensata. Una spolverata di pepe e qualche rametto di finocchietto selvatico completerà l'opera.

Well, now we eat, but we're careful. The tablet ouija moves ... is already telling me something ...
Oddioooo, oddioooooooooooo!

Ingredients for 5 persons: 5 slices of swordfish, two oranges, two grapefruits, a lemon, raisins, pistachios, pine nuts, olive oil, fennel, flour, salt and pepper.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Walgreens Electric Handwarmer

Verza e acciughe Diaz-Tnaf

L 'salad of cabbage and anchovy has an ancient tradition, dating from the fifteenth century, when the Dutch and Portuguese navigators were vying for domination of some important commercial ports.

A simple salad, fresh and tasty, but that brings with it a curse impossible to erase. Just serve it in the wrong way to understand how, what appears to be a silly superstition, something that is very close to the world intelligible to the supernatural.

But before describing this dish, its origin should be mentioned, to understand why what I just wrote above: In 1487 Bartholomew Diaz, after reaching the Cape of Good Hope after climbing the east coast of Africa, came to the Indies, allowing Portugal to control trade with the East.
During these long trips, these brave sailors, when they crossed the warm waters, fished lots of bluefish, they consumed fresh or preserved in salt for the days when food was scarce on ships .

were days of great naval battles during epic raids and oceanic, March 7 of 1488, the ship of Bartholomew Diaz found himself facing the hull of the black sails of the Dutch conqueror Oigres Tnaf Ino. The skirmish lasted for eight days and nine nights, during which the supplies on board the two ships ran out and remained only in the pantries Portuguese anchovies in salt, while in the galley Dutch ( Galley: from ' Dutch kabuis ) were only a few heads of cabbage. Both crews would need to unite and share the supplies to get out alive from the exhausting battle.

Bartholomew Diaz and Oigres Tnaf Ino decided a truce, strengthened his men, before deciding whether the battle would continue or not. The two captains chose their men of trust, which would bring the enemy ships half of its supplies.
So did. The tasty anchovy Portuguese cabbage and delicious Dutch were united on two ships, but at that same time, high shock wave the two hulls and long-awaited quell'insalata ended in the sea, while the hull is turned over.

Only two men of faith who brought the food on the enemy ships, survived the sinking, reaching the coasts of Ireland now dehydrated. They took time to tell what happened, but both died a few days later.

Quell'insalata came to symbolize the tragic epilogue of the battle, but someone tried to prepare it again. Again and again. But every time it happened the same thing. Anchovies and cabbage could not be together, as were water and oil. The food prepared in a manner that always ended up causing disaster and misfortune, until one day, a young Irish chef decided to prepare quell'insalata directly on the floor of his tavern.

Yes he served his così, a terra!
Il maleficio si trasformò in fortuna, il dolore divenne gioia, il brutto trasfigurò nel bello.
Da quel giorno l'insalata di verze e acciughe fu inserita nei menù delle case nobiliari di mezza europa, con il nome di "Verza e acciughe Diaz-Tnaf". L'insalata, per ragioni igieniche, veniva preparata e versata direttamente sui tavoli e poi consumata con le mani. Una vera leccornia.

Now everyone can try this recipe. The cabbage is chopped fine, then seasoned with olive oil and Maldon salt (Epsom salts), and enriched with anchovy paste (and even some entire thread). If you like, add vinegar or lemon.

But do not forget quest'insalata served directly on the table, or do not prepare it at all.

Ingredients: one head of cabbage, pasta anchovy fillets and some whole, salt, oil, vinegar or lemon.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How To Get Over Lava Rocks On Poptropica

Ossibuchi alla milanese con risotto e fretta

I'm satisfied. A sip of red wine, a good Lagrein Trentino, to accompany the last bite. In fact I no longer hungry, but what remains in the pot should be collected. The beauty of the dish is that it forces you to think about what comes next. This is what counts. What you savor what you can get, nothing more, nothing less.

The red and yellow. The bright green of the parsley. In the nose, the aroma of lemon zest raised by the steam of boiling meat, which dampens the overtones of the bone round loose in the pot now.

The osso buco, accompanied by a saffron risotto, a dish is noble, young tradition *, which puts me in a good mood. A recipe that includes at least two and can be prepared with many different small devices, enjoying lots of little curious variations on the theme. Just think, for example, the gremolada, a compound that is sprinkled on the shanks before serving. Yes tratta di un trito di prezzemolo e scorza di limone grattugiata, con aglio o senza aglio, con un acciuga o senza acciuga.

Per questa preparazione (per due persone) ho seguito la ricetta più semplice: prendo due ossibuchi, li salo e li pepo su entrambi i lati, e dopo averli passati nella farina, li faccio rosolare brevemente in una padella con olio extravergine di oliva. Solo una rosolatura rapida, non una cottura.
Poi, dopo aver levato la carne, asciugo con carta assorbente la padella, eliminando l'olio. Trito in maniera grossolana una cipolla e la lascio appassire con del burro nella stessa padella.
Nel frattempo taglio a dadini un grosso gambo di sedano e due carote. Li aggiungo alla cipolla nella padella e vi adagio sopra anche i due ossi buchi. Abbasso il fuoco, quasi al minimo, e aggiungo un mestolo di brodo vegetale (che avevo preparato in precedenza facendo cuocere in acqua salata, sedano, carota e cipolla. Ci vuole un attimo, il dado non va usato).
L'ossobuco va cotto per almeno venti minuti con la padella coperta, aggiungendo poco brodo man mano che asciuga. Per dare un piacevole profumo in più, spezzate una foglia di allora e appoggiatela sulla carne.
Sciolgo, in mezzo mestolo di brodo un po' di pomodoro concentrato e lo aggiungo a fine cottura. Non resta che disporre gli ossibuchi su un piatto e cospargerli con la gremolada.

In questo caso, ho deciso di accompagnare il piatto con il risotto allo zafferano. Sembra una faticaccia fare anche questo, ma in realtà tutte le componenti sono già state preparate per fare l'ossobuco e, mentre la carne cuoce, c'è tutto il tempo di fare il risotto con calma: avete la cipolla tritata, il brodo vegetale e dovete soltanto recuperare il riso e lo zafferano.
why I will not use a fund risotto made with the bone, because a hamper full of perfumes and preparations already fat. A very simple risotto: In a saucepan cook the onion in the butter do. When the onion has become transparent add four handfuls of rice and I make them toast for a few minutes. Add half a glass of white wine and I cook on low heat adding the broth a little at a time.
After a quarter of an hour, add the saffron dissolved in a little broth and put out the fire, making rice the rest.

Tutto va liscio ed ossibuchi e riso sono pronti nello stesso momento. Non resta che assaggiare e... diavolo, la carne è un po' dura. Troppa fretta, il fuoco doveva essere ancora più basso...

INGREDIENTI: due ossibuchi di vitello, carote, sedano, cipolle, olio extravergine, burro, salsa di pomodoro concentrata, farina, brodo vegetale, prezzemolo, limone, vino bianco, zafferano, alloro, sale e pepe.

* do not know exactly when the osso buco and joined the Milanese cuisine, but we know with certainty that in the 700 was already one of the dishes and was considered a gourmet dish. Cit.