kiss, with growth, radicchio and black truffle stew
I love the dumplings because they require long waits. They absorb the flavors of the sauce. Why are soft and comfortable. Why are you always at home and, therefore, have a home fragrance. Why are reassuring. Because everyone likes, but especially I like. And that's what counts.
Today I decided to love me and give taste to this day with a quick recipe and to compensate for a lack of affection.
I wanted to put a few ingredients, but well in line with what I blend in the soul: the growth (sweetness and creaminess), radicchio (bitterness and color), the nose (apparently complex). A plate who wants to look like a long kiss. Perhaps it is not normal seek substitutes, but, come on, you do what you can.
E 'a few months ago that things seem back to normal. I do not feel that trout from the drawer of the freezer gave me the murderer. I have not found any more unknown symbols on the bathroom mirror, I have contacted more alien-like prawns. Only the Secret Service seized a panzerotto, but nothing special.
short. I realize now that it had nothing to say and then I explain in this short recipe that, for the record, I really liked it, although it was improvised between wandering the aisle of the small supermarket near his home.
L'ispirazione mi viene quando vedo un barattolo con dentro tre piccoli tartufi neri. Niente di speciale. Profumano poco, ma adoro anche solo l'idea del tartufo e quindi prendo il barattolo e lo ficco nel carrello. Poi penso a un felice abbinamento e penso all'amaro del radicchio e alla dolcezza della crescenza.
Giunto a casa non perdo tempo. Lavo alcune foglie del radicchio, poi le taglio a julienne e le stufo in padella a fuoco moderato, con olio, aglio, sale e una spolverata di pepe bianco. Quando le foglie sono quasi del tutto appassite, sfumo con un goccio di vino rosso.
Nel frattempo metto gli gnocchi in cottura e, dopo averli scolati, li salto in padella con il radicchio, la crescenza e una bella spolverata di parmigiano. Quando il tutto รจ well mixed, put it in the scratch plate and black truffle generously.
I Ingredients: Potato gnocchi (ette two for two), red chicory, growth (150 grams), parmesan cheese, black truffle, red wine, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.
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