Monday, May 31, 2010

Difference Between Zyban And Champix

Paella Gnocchi with dreaming

I had a dream. It must have been hunger and the heat of these days, but tonight I had one of those trips that you can not forget to wake up. In my dream, besides myself, there were two dark figures. I think they were criminals, who tried third accomplice had betrayed them and had to pay with their lives.
We were on a beach in a beautiful English island. Crystal clear water, clear skies and a slight warm breeze that caressed his hair.
In the distance, sea horses pulled small cars on the water surface and just above the horizon, and sailed a Caladria Alicante. The two criminals
my friends, red, and the centaur, they began to speak in the language Nocaman and, incredibly, I could understand them. Said to be hungry. They wanted the paella.
What is paella. In my dream the fish jumping in the pan from the sea. As my hair turned blue and mottled skin like that of a giraffe.
I woke up and the third accomplice, known as "Short", was trying to slip in carapace di una Bestia di Busco.

Va beh. Se i sogni son desideri, perché non organizzare una serata paella?
Così, chiamo tre amici e intanto mi metto a preparare. Parto con il dichiarare che non ho una ricetta di riferimento e che, ogni volta mi ci approccio, cambio gli ingredienti. Insomma, probabilmente non si tratta nemmeno di una vera e propria paella.
L'unica regola che tento di non trasgredire è quella di cercare di cuocere singolarmente i vari ingredienti, ma utilizzando sempre la stessa pentola, per quanto possibile. Questo perché voglio che i grassi e gli zuccheri che vengono rilasciati dalla carne e dal pesce (più che altro crostacei in questo caso), si mescolino gli uni con gli altri. Questo sapore di fondo sarà quello che caratterizzerà l'intero piatto.

In questa occasione ho deciso di non utilizzare lo zafferano, come faccio solitamente e di usare un normale riso Carnaroli. Ma andiamo con ordine.
Prima di tutto preparo i peperoni, uno giallo, uno rosso e uno verde (per una semplice questione cromatica). Li taglio a listarelle, poi li metto in padella a cuocere con un po' d'olio extravergine, uno spicchio d'aglio e del peperoncino fresco. Quando i peperoni sono quasi cotti, alzo la fiamma al massimo, perché li voglio quasi bruciacchiati.

Poi passo alla cottura della carne. Questa volta ho pensato a delle alette di pollo. Tolti i peperoni dalla padella, aggiungo un goccio d'olio nuovo e procedo alla browning of the wings. When they are golden brown, the moving out on a baking sheet and complete the baking.
Without clean the pan, but without adding more oil, will go on to cook the sausages, already cut into pieces. The fat content nell'insaccato enough to continue and advance with all other types of cooking.
When the sausage is done, I will go on to take away from the pan and cook shrimp. I took both of the queues that the beautiful whole shrimp, very inviting and then turned out to be pretty good also. For both just a sheet on both sides, until they turn pink.
After being pulled out of the fire, it is important to set aside All the cooking was, to be good at the end of the preparation.

Now it's up to the clams and mussels. Previously washed and "shaven" ... The bake in a pan with high sides and, after having raised the firearm, filter the sauce left on the bottom and I do shrink a little. Then I leave it to cool and stir it with the cooking by taking first. This will serve to spice up the paella.

that remains is to prepare the rice. I used the pan and then I brought to the table. I toast the rice in olive, with two cloves of garlic and cook (very al dente) with vegetable broth. If desired, you can use saffron, but this time I avoided. At this
punto, ho amalgamato al riso il fondo di cottura e tutti gli ingredienti preparati poco prima. Poi ho cosparso con un manciata di prezzemolo tritato e ho aggiunto anche del succo di limone, prima di passare la paella nel forno per una decina di minuti.

Non resta che mangiarsela... Purtroppo dei tre amici invitati ne sono arrivati soltanto due. Il terzo, detto "il Corto", pare sia stato avvistato su una spiaggia di Formentera con la testa incastrata nel carapace di una testuggine.

INGREDIENTI: riso Carnaroli, alette di pollo, salsiccia dolce, gamberi o mazzancolle, cozze, vongole, peperoni, brodo vegetale, olio extravergine, prezzemolo, limone, sale e peperoncino.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Daisy Air Rifle Sights

kiss, with growth, radicchio and black truffle stew

I love the dumplings because they require long waits. They absorb the flavors of the sauce. Why are soft and comfortable. Why are you always at home and, therefore, have a home fragrance. Why are reassuring. Because everyone likes, but especially I like. And that's what counts.
Today I decided to love me and give taste to this day with a quick recipe and to compensate for a lack of affection.

I wanted to put a few ingredients, but well in line with what I blend in the soul: the growth (sweetness and creaminess), radicchio (bitterness and color), the nose (apparently complex). A plate who wants to look like a long kiss. Perhaps it is not normal seek substitutes, but, come on, you do what you can.

E 'a few months ago that things seem back to normal. I do not feel that trout from the drawer of the freezer gave me the murderer. I have not found any more unknown symbols on the bathroom mirror, I have contacted more alien-like prawns. Only the Secret Service seized a panzerotto, but nothing special.

short. I realize now that it had nothing to say and then I explain in this short recipe that, for the record, I really liked it, although it was improvised between wandering the aisle of the small supermarket near his home.
L'ispirazione mi viene quando vedo un barattolo con dentro tre piccoli tartufi neri. Niente di speciale. Profumano poco, ma adoro anche solo l'idea del tartufo e quindi prendo il barattolo e lo ficco nel carrello. Poi penso a un felice abbinamento e penso all'amaro del radicchio e alla dolcezza della crescenza.
Giunto a casa non perdo tempo. Lavo alcune foglie del radicchio, poi le taglio a julienne e le stufo in padella a fuoco moderato, con olio, aglio, sale e una spolverata di pepe bianco. Quando le foglie sono quasi del tutto appassite, sfumo con un goccio di vino rosso.
Nel frattempo metto gli gnocchi in cottura e, dopo averli scolati, li salto in padella con il radicchio, la crescenza e una bella spolverata di parmigiano. Quando il tutto è well mixed, put it in the scratch plate and black truffle generously.

I Ingredients: Potato gnocchi (ette two for two), red chicory, growth (150 grams), parmesan cheese, black truffle, red wine, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Recovery

Turnovers x-files

Have you ever tried to do a ranking of what you like to eat? Found that the parmesan is universally included in the top ten favorites, put them where the turnovers?
Those who live by the parties in Milan can not help but feel two things: pizza and Spontini panzerotti Luini. Flavors that are equivalent to the walk of a tourist on the roof of the Cathedral.
In short, I love the turnovers as they represent a simple dish, but that does not allow compromise. It 's the usual speech, mostly in other posts to fry: no point in making a panzerotto the oven, because it is not panzerotto. They may not eat three, but that taste should be cooked in the only way possible.
E 'is also an etymological question, since the term derives from panzerotto "belly", the rounded shape that takes on the dough when it is filled, closed crescent-shaped and fried in oil. So, no compromise.

Tomato, mozzarella and oregano. This is the filling for turnovers and two friends that I have proposed on Sunday for an aperitif in a friendly local who is here in my part. Not only that sticks of fried eggplant, sage in beer batter, stuffed baguettes, ham and cheese, a pasta salad with cherry tomatoes and quartirolo, and the grand finale with fresh pasta served with homemade pesto.
Maybe I should dedicate this space with pesto Genovese, since the result was commendable, but it is something really happened disturbing during the preparation of turnovers. An inconvenient truth that I think should not be silenced.

strange people are brought into the local camouflaged among the regular patrons. At first I had not noticed, but then I saw they had some strange headsets and peeking in the room that moved stealthily into the kitchen. At that time we were completing the last turnovers, fifty in all, round round. I looked at my watch and it was the 17:32. Soon after, I turn to heat the oil and I feel a strange smell and a strange feeling of numbness. Even my friends have their eyes bulging. About the watch e. \u200b\u200b.. are 18:14 ... But how?? What happened?
It took a while to understand, looking at the work counter and turnovers that have become 49. In the men's room there was no trace.
But now I want to know the truth.
Who was that crowd? For those who were working? Where he led the panzerotto? What relationship is there between the turnovers and the Nazca lines? How do you explain the case of Joan Norkot? And John Titor was really from the future?

PREPARATION: For panzerotti we used a pizza dough to be packed and those already drawn. Then with a pastry rings we got to the center of the circles and we have placed a spoonful of tomato (salted already passed), the diced mozzarella and a sprinkling of oregano. After the half-moon circles will be closed and deep fry in oil immersion (ideal to Peanut) until doreranno.

INGREDIENTS: Dough for the square packed (but if you do, everything becomes good), tomato sauce, mozzarella, oregano, salt and peanut oil.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Clipart Of All Littlest Pet Shop

Parmigiana with tomato risotto with perch Maria

are carnivores. I even love the smell of blood. But Parmigiana, boys, Parmigiana remains in the top places on my list of flavors. And the challenge of today and make it as pleasing to myself.
I am convinced that certain elements could facilitate this task, such as canned tomatoes, my colleague Maria Calabria, gave me some time ago.
A little oil, a clove of garlic and two basil leaves and, in my kitchen, they give off scents that I almost forgot. The sauce will have to go slowly, I'll mind the other ingredients. First, the mozzarella. Buffalo naturally. The cut in small pieces, then let school with a weight on top, because the recipe would make it too watery whey. Then
eggplant. The cut in thin slices and, in contrast to what is often recommended, do not let the salt to lose the bitter water. A touch of bitterness is perfect for my mood and to celebrate this spring with the scent of autumn.
After cutting the eggplants, the step in the egg and soon after in a pan to fry in virgin olive oil. No. grids for eggplant Parmigiana. I want to feel crisp and juicy beneath my teeth.
've got everything. Now just assemble the layers, a spoonful of tomato on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of eggplant just salty. Then again, this fragrant tomato and mozzarella, placed over the entire surface generously. I close the layer with parmesan cheese. Then another layer of eggplant and cover with tomato, mozzarella and Parmesan, a little 'less abundant than in the layer in between.
Well, now it takes ten minutes in the oven to 180 degrees. Right to bind the ingredients to brown the top layer of cheese. Parmigiana me And I taste the warm, if you resist.
No joke, this time to tell a recipe that everyone knows already. This is just sharing with people I know, with whom I would like to know better and who does not know at all. Why just a scent to travel through time and feel better. How are you?

Ingredients: Eggplant two, four eggs, tomato sauce, mozzarella, parmesan, olive oil, salt.