Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fundraiser Invitation Wording

Tonno rosso anticonformista

This is a really easy way to cook the tuna. A recipe for light, tasty, and that reflects my political views.

"And what does politics?", Some may say. Got to do, got to do.
Before everything goes absolutely used the bluefin tuna. Anything but a matter of color.
How many times you've seen advertisements for a manufacturer of canned tuna, so pompous, stresses that all that is served up is the yellow fin tuna?

Cute yes, but certainly not precious. Just a taste to see how much difference there is between the scombroid and bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean. I know it costs more, but it's like when you click the beef: steaks, maybe you eat less, but those few should be good.
And I find it intolerable that form of business communication concepts that repeats endlessly false or at least questionable, pretending to be pure truth, as long as many end to believe it. And, unfortunately, from my point of view, this form of communication is the most used by those who govern us.

But let's get to the recipe. After buying a nice tuna steak from the fishmonger to trust (the supermarket you will find it difficult), give them a rinse and then dry with a clean cloth. The thread should have a diameter of 6 or 7 centimeters. If the filet is bigger, just cut it into two pieces.

In a container as long as the tenderloin, sprinkle sesame seeds and abundant of the flour of durum wheat. Then, open two eggs and cut the egg white. With a fork, whip and then passateci the tuna on all sides.
Finally, pass it into the flour with the seeds.
does not have the sesame remains fully attached to all fish. The only thing to watch out for is that the flour remains well attached to the fish.

The worst is over. Now in a saucepan that can di contenere tutto il pesce, mettete a scaldare dell'olio di semi di arachide. Deve essere in quantità sufficiente a sommergere il tonno e la temperatura deve essere intorno ai 230 gradi. Ma per verificarla, basterà buttare qualche seme di sesamo e attendere che sfrigoli per bene.

A questo punto immergete il filetto di tonno intero. Lo choc termico trasformerà la farina in uno scudo insuperabile per l'olio e, nonostante le apparenze, il tonno manterrà caratteristiche di grande leggerezza e delicatezza.
Il tonno deve restare nell'olio due or three minutes (depending on size). Do not exaggerate, because the tuna should be pink in the center well.

Drain the thread, pass it on paper towels. Then cut it into half inch slices and arrange on a bed of crunchy salad. A trickle of olive oil, salt and a sprinkling of white pepper on the plate directly enhances the flavor.

course, if invited to dinner a "Promoter of Freedom", forget the speech of yellow fin tuna. There will understand.

Ingredients: Mediterranean bluefin tuna (400 grams), 50 g durum wheat flour, 50 grams of sesame seeds, 1 liter of oil is peanut, two eggs, salt, white pepper and extra virgin olive oil. For the garnish: salad of the season to be placed under the sliced \u200b\u200btuna.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Manual

Linguine aliene allo scoglio

"Tonight with seafood linguine with Dos. Come?"
"In the sense that it uses the DOS as a side dish?? Sergio Honestly, I hoped to live another little '
" Come, I will use only the thread ... you may live "

Here set the dinner invitation. 21-hour, linguine with seafood with friends. Everything in the rule, if it were not for those strange lights appeared in the sky above my house.
Flashing lights and iridescent. And in the background, a deep sound, like a ship sailing.
Soon figured I would hit the disintegrator ray, leaving no escape for me and my buddies.

Norway lobster, straight from the shopping bag, looked at me with eyes full of wisdom blacks. I could almost read his mind: "They're coming from our dying planet, to kill and use your resources for the survival of our species."

It does not seem to escape an animal intelligent, but he has a brain all right ... We realized sucking noisily through the broken shell, holding it suspended in the air for the claws. The mussels and clams, however, did not say anything.

pending alien invasion, I decided to sacrifice shrimps, prawns, mussels and clams linguine with seafood for a very classical. Clean the mussels, removing the beard one by one from each shell, clean the clams and discard the route and full of sand, it would be wise affect the abdomen of the shrimp, so as to facilitate the opening in the plate. But, in view of an invasion alien, dirty his fingers would not be unseemly and so I did not waste any time.

In a pan of extra virgin olive oil and two cloves of garlic. We step until the shrimp turn pink. Then, in another pan, it's time to mussels and clams, again with oil and garlic. If desired, you can add the tomato pieces. To garnish the three dishes, cook shrimp even three, always in the same way.

Meanwhile, put the kettle on for the linguine and then chop the parsley. When the pasta cooked together conchigliame and crayfish. Add a little 'salt and pepper. Drain the pasta into the pan spray and to bind with other ingredients. Add the parsley and, after a good stir, put the plates together to escape, which turned out to be an alien being.

white wine, very white wine then allowed us to save the world from alien invasion, while a slice of paradise cake unleavened persuaded to soften the bad tones and search for new planets to colonize.

coffee and brandy, finally, we have agreed to go to sleep. In peace.

Ingredients: 500 grams linguine. (Less if not for dinner there are my friends), shrimp 2 ounces, 400 grams of mussels, clams, 3 ounces, parsley, chopped tomatoes into large pieces (if you like), 3 shrimp, salt and pepper.